Hello, Lou!
Just some politically oriented observations!
Friday, February 21, 2025
Friday, February 21, 2025
Hello, Lou!
Hi, Dr. Lou!
Knowing you as the great friend you are,
I know you won't mind my sharing this letter
with a few family and friends.
So, I will. OK?
Sure enjoyed our tea at Hospice today!
It will be interesting to see what happens with Trump.
I may be mistaken, but as I mentioned today and before,
I think Donald is more a follower than a leader.
It looks like he is leading for taking seemingly outrageous steps on this or that,
but in truth, he is only following the outrageous and that allows him great support
for the stupid stuff he does.
If there is a political leader of Donald Trump today,
I would claim it to be the so called "American Heritage Foundation,"
largely the authors of the outrageous Project 2025 plan
that Donald is trying to implement with so called "Presidential Executive Orders."
Before being elected last November, he claimed to know almost nothing about
the Project 2025 plan; but on inauguration day,
he showed what a liar he is by starting to implement their directives.
Sure - he knows nothing about it - but just watch him carry it out!
For decades the American Heritage Foundation have been obsessed
with their restrictive brand of Christianity
losing out and have also been obsessed with Republicans losing
majority status. They fear immigration not because it causes
Americans to lose their jobs to outsiders as they claim,
but because they believe that most immigrants from the South
will eventually choose to vote Democratic
when they finally become citizens - even tho that may be many years ahead.
I think they oppose immigration mostly for fear of becoming a minority party.
Probably, most American Heritage folks are also Republican.
So, in the long run, they needed someone
to represent them - and Donald Trump has been that someone.
They lead - He follows - like in supporting anti-abortion tactics!
Do you think Donald Trump cares about such an issue?
Ha! He only pretends to care about it to gain a gang that will support him
in achieving power. He likes power - and boy does he applaud it;
and it is those who like power that he chooses after they have chosen him.
Know what I mean? But he may well be impeached a 3rd time
if fellow Republicans come to their senses and realize how foolish they are
in following a Pretender that may endanger all of us in the end.
Well, anyway that is my opinion.
No matter in the long run. Right?
I Believe everything and everyone is Divine
because the notion of Infinite Reality does not allow for Divine Separation.
How can you divide that which has no ends - and therefore, no middle?
We are all Divine because an Infinite Sacred God must be in All,
not outside as many want to believe to justify some division they might want to justify.
I am Divine and so is Donald Trump,
but ole Donny has to inherit his outlook on division and power
and I have to inherit my outlook on unity and peace.
To each, his or her own. Right?
Looking forward to our April 3rd visit at my new home
at 1746 Fetterman Drive, Unit 2.
If all goes well, I should be there by mid March.
Coffee - or tea - at 10, My Good Man!
Again, nice chat!
Lou, you tell me you are going to India soon.
Is Barbara going too?
Give India my best!
Feel welcome to tell your Indian supporters
about my francisbessler.com website.
My host for francisbessler.com is Indian, I think.
Bold Pixels is that host.
So far they have only allowed me to compose a Divine Naturist Christian site,
but who knows about the future?
Perhaps we can start to share what we have done.
Time will tell! It took many months for Bold Pixels to add
the video I supplied on NANCY'S MEMORIAL;
but I do believe it is out there now.
You were part of it! Thanks!
It may not be much for lack of professional composition,
but at least it is available for someone who might find it acceptable.
Hey, Family & Friends,
if you want, check out our NANCY'S MEMORIAL program
in the Video portion of francisbessler.com.
Lou, tell Wife, Barbara, and Gulla & Everyone at Hospice Hello!
Once again, Have a Good Time in India - and see you on April 3rd!