TALKING WITH GOD - Part 2 of 2


Saturday, March 7, 2015

Saturday, March 7, 2015
TALKING WITH GOD - Part 2 of 2




Part 2 of 2

(Includes song:

Making Memories)



Francis William Bessler

Laramie, Wyoming




         In Part 1 of this brief series - TALKING WITH GOD - I  commented about a "slaying in the Holy Spirit" service that my friend, Nancy Remmenga, and I attended over 30 years ago?  Basically, I believe the "Holy Spirit" in such a service to be only some "paranormal soul" that enters a person upon invitation; however by commenting on that event, a similar phenomenon called "speaking in tongues" came to mind.  I do believe such an activity deserves some mindful exploration.  Accordingly, I intend to explore that notion with Part 2 of this brief series - TALKING WITH GOD.   

       I have been thinking about this matter already, however, and I must admit my thinking is a bit upsetting.  Right off hand, it looks like I am going to have to do an "about face" on a notion of memory.  Previously I have believed that souls do not have memories; but I am thinking my pursuit of speaking in tongues is going to challenge my thinking on that.

       If so, let that be a lesson to me.  As I learn - or as anyone learns - we may find that a previous conclusion is wrong.  It happens all the time; and my guess is that it is going to happen to me this time.

       Being wrong is not so bad, though, as long as you are wrong in the pursuit of the truth.  That which is bad is to insist you are right even if the "evidence" suggests otherwise.  As a sincere truth seeker, however, I am prepared to take my lumps, so to speak; but hopefully the truth I may find will set me free even more than I have been free till now.

       I am reminded of a verse in THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THOMAS that seems to apply to me now.  In Verse 2 of that esteemed - and mostly overlooked - work, Jesus said: Let him who seeks, not cease seeking until he finds, and when finds, he will be troubled, and when he has been troubled, he will marvel and he will reign over the All.

       Well, I don't have any desire to "reign over the All," but I do believe the gist of it is correct.  Sometimes when we find, that which we find is a bit upsetting because it challenges some previous conviction, but if we let ourselves go free because of a new notion, then we will marvel.  Quite frankly, I am looking forward to my "upcoming marvel."

       The other day, my friend, Nancy Shaw, and I were discussing the quote above and I told Nancy that I don't understand why Thomas - as author of THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THOMAS - would have Jesus saying that after finding myself marveling, I would find myself "reigning over the All."  Nancy offered that it depends upon what "All" or "all" means in the quote.  Like me, Nancy does not think Jesus would be meaning the "All of Creation," but rather another "all." 

       "Think about it, Will," she said.  "It is likely that the all of which Jesus was speaking is only the 'all of you' - and nothing else."  I guess that makes sense.  Thanks, Nancy!  Indeed, finding the truth does not mean that I am going to "reign over All of Creation" - just "all of me."

Indeed, why would I want to "reign over All of Creation"?  In truth, there is only one over which I want to reign - and that is me.

       So, let us continue our journey - and maybe come to learn a thing or two by so doing.  Alright?


Thanks!  FWB


Speaking In Tongues


       So, what does "speaking in tongues" mean - and what might it "tell" us?  From a personal standpoint, I have to admit that I do not know what it is.  It might end up to be "total nonsense" and I will admit that prospect is entirely possible; however I do not think I should be so quick as to accuse it of being total nonsense if I do not know that it is.

       I am given to believe that when people speak in tongues - mostly as part of some religious service by which participants think they are in communion with God - it is as if they are "obsessed" or "possessed" by another spirit who seems to be talking through them.  In other words, if I am part of such a service, then some audible, and sometimes  unintelligible, sounds come from me - though it is clear to others that I am not saying them - or at least do not understand what I am saying.

       This fits my entire notion of paranormal reality, however.  I guess that is why I am choosing to pay it some attention.  Who is to say that another soul - in paranormal mode - has not entered me upon my invitation and is not "using" me to spout some sounds - unintelligible to me, perhaps, but intelligible to the paranormal source?

       Why would such a paranormal source want to "use" me to express itself?  I do not know, but I suspect that some paranormal souls - or entities - do that all the time.  Perhaps some of the time it happens, the host shares a bond with a guest.  In other words, host and guest share a common language.  Host and guest might have different intentions in sharing one body and one brain, but if they share - or have access to - a common language, so to speak, then it might be unperceivable that they are actually different.

       Say that I have passed away as an English speaking soul, so to speak.  If I were to visit another as a "paranormal soul," then if I were to visit another English speaking "incarnated soul," then my speech would seem as his - or hers.  No one would know, then, that another is being "obsessed" with my paranormal soul; however if I was not English speaking in a previous incarnation, then what might come out of my new host might seem as gibberish.

       Who knows just how extensive the "paranormal" world is?  Personally, I think it is rather ludicrous to believe that the Earth is the only source of intelligible beings - or entities.  Given the probable "infinite" number of galaxies that might be host to any number of "human-like" civilizations on various planets within those galaxies, I can certainly imagine that there are lots of "Earth-like" hosts of civilizations.  Can't you?

       Maybe soul travel is rather unimpeded.  Maybe souls can travel from one galaxy to another - and from one "Earth-like" planet to another.  If so, a "foreign" based soul could visit the Earth and dwell inside an inviting host.  If that "foreign" soul knows only a language true to some foreign galaxy, then a host might be given to speak that language - given an invitation by a host to do so.

       The result could amount to a phenomenon we "Earthlings" have called - and maybe still call - speaking in tongues.  Perhaps, huh?  Perhaps?


Memories of Souls


       Previously, I have believed that souls do not have memories.  If you have reviewed past writings of mine, I think I have stated again and again that I think that a soul can be equated to an "attitude" only.  I have concluded as such because of a belief that only brains have memories - and that when a brain dies, so also must its "memory."

       If souls have no memories, however, how account for a phenomenon called speaking in tongues?  Again, it might be pure nonsense that an obsessed (or possessed) person is speaking in tongues at all when it thinks some "Holy Spirit" has entered it.  Maybe there is a "super-natural" explanation" for it all, but, then again, maybe not.

       Consider it "interesting speculation only," but if speaking in tongues is somehow "other oriented," it suggests a mighty exciting notion as far as I am concerned - that souls do, in fact, have memories.  Otherwise, how account for my speaking another language if, in fact, I do not know that other language?

       I realize, however, that everyone wants to believe that upon passing away, he or she will join some friendly family or community of which a member was once known - maybe a deceased dad or grandpa or mom or grandma or great grandpa or great grandma.  We all want to think some "family" is waiting for us when we die - and that we will be "together again."

       It might be an extension of such a wish that I am suspecting that souls might have memories.  I admit that, but I also admit that souls might actually have memories now - given the phenomenon called speaking in tongues.  Wishful thinking or otherwise, it might be so that souls have memories too, but if it is so, it is probably no more "Holy Spirit" oriented than any other human experience.  It can be "explained" - and we can all get down to the business of living life like it should be lived without regard to needing some "supernatural" explanation for anything at all.  Or so, I Believe!





Memory and/or Attitude


       Very interesting!  Souls have memories too?  I must say that the notion is very appealing - as well as disconcerting.  It would be "appealing" to have a memory that is strictly positive oriented; but it would also be "disconcerting" to have to deal with a soulful memory that is negative.  Ouch for the latter - and Hooray for the former.

       When I think about it, however, I see a very definite connection between attitude and memory.  Perhaps memory is as necessary for attitude as attitude is necessary for memory - or, in other words, one probably does not exist without the other.  That is to say that to alter that which is attitude would require an altering in memory.  Good memories make for good attitudes as bad memories make for bad attitudes.  In that light, it becomes a pretty simple thing to change your attitude.  Just change your memory.

       But how does one go about changing memory?  Consider it a matter of "focus," if you wish.  I know that I cannot focus on two different ideas at the same time.  I cannot look at a tree and see both just a tree and all of living at the same time, for example; and yet it is possible - and I think, advisable - to not see a tree just in isolation, but as a "representative" of all Creation.

       Likewise, if I look at me as a human, what do I see - or want to see?  Speaking for myself, I "want" to see not just me, but all of humanity - and even Creation itself.  But how I see myself determines my attitude about myself - just as how I look at a tree determines my attitude about a tree - or trees in general.

       When I walk through a beautiful garden, what am I intent on seeing?  Some would walk through that garden and pay no attention at all to what grows there.  They might only be interested on "getting to the other side."  One who is intent on just getting to the other side - or passing through - will not see the beautiful flowers that another who wants to see what is growing there will see.

       What does that have to do with memory - be it memory of brain or memory of soul?  I think it has everything to do with it.  By filling my mind - and soul - with images of divinity and mystery and sacredness - as I pass through life, that is what I would likely retain - even beyond death of body, if souls have memories too.  Accordingly if and when I might return as another person with a different body but with the same soul, my "attitude" would start where my previous "memory" ended.

       In that light, memory means all, then.  My attitude toward life is probably directly proportional to the memory I will have insisted on depositing in my soul.


       Now, consider another possibility.  If I have a parent - or parents - who have no interest in paying attention to the beauty of their own garden, but are intent only on commanding me as their child, as a child, what will likely be in my "memory" - be it memory of brain or memory of soul?

       In one way, I think it could be stated that most of what I would hear is "do what you are told" and do not ask questions why.  Or the proverbial attitude of a "commander" - in my house, you will do what you are told.  If I live in such a household where gardens are ignored and commands are treasured, my mind and my soul would be filled with "do what you are told" - and very likely, "obedience" would become my attitude.

       No matter where I might go, then, obedience would be my intent.  If I become a soldier, my supervising officer would be seeking to command in me obedience to an order; and I would be only so happy as to oblige.  Why?  Because "obedience to command" is that with which my mind and my soul have been filled.  My "memory" would not let me do otherwise than "do as I was told."

       What would be my "attitude" toward any other, then?  If my supervising officer saw one as an "enemy," then I would follow that lead and treat that one as an enemy too.  Thus, if I am told to "shoot the bastard," that is what I would do.  And the more "obedient" I might become, the greater my service would be.  I might even rise in rank and become a "supervising officer" myself - and I would look to command another just as I was commanded in my previous position as a private.

       Now step forward and return an "obedient minded" soldier to private life.  In many cases at least, he would be looking to continue his mindset - and memory and attitude - as a soldier.  What is a soldier looking for? An enemy.  Thus, a retired soldier could be so "enemy oriented" that such would be the normal course of his - or  her life.  Where is the enemy?  Tell me where - and I will go and "eliminate"  that one to make my commanding officer happy about me.




Living After Death


       In time, of course, that soldier will die - and pass forward to what I call a "paranormal" state.  In all likelihood, whatever "attitude" and "memory" attended that one in mortal life will be retained in the so called "hereafter."  If all I paid attention to in life was "doing what I was told," then that is likely what I will continue to do.  The supervisor might change - and, of course, would - but my "doing what I was told" would stick with me.

       Likewise, if my true joy in life was to command another, that is the attitude and memory with which I would likely continue.  Instead of my hearing "do as you are told," I would hear myself telling another "do as you are told."  My memory would be filled with images of my being in command - and thus, that is how I would continue in another life.

       Now consider one of a commanding officer/obedient soldier set to be in a paranormal state - and the other of that duo being in some incarnated life.  If as a private minded soldier, I was to be visited - and possessed - by a commanding soul, then I could hear again - "do as you are told, soldier."  That would allow for my "hearing voices" and simply doing what some "voice" told me to do.  Wouldn't it?


       Of course, there is always a reward for "doing what you are told."  Right?  "Obey me - and you will be blessed beyond imagination.  Disobey me and you will be damned."  THUS SAITH THE LORD!

       And more than likely that "Lord" is merely one of us seeking to command from beyond some cover - the cover of what I think of as the "paranormal."  


Deja Vu!


       I'm sure we have all experienced having a sense that something looks familiar - or seems familiar - though we are sure that in this life we have not been there - or done that.  I know I have; and I think that such can be explained by our having been somewhere - or done something - in another life.  It seems familiar because it is familiar; and souls having memories would explain why or how that can be so.

       I bring this up simply because it offers further commentary on the notion of souls having memories.  How could I sense that I am now where I was before unless I have some memory of where I was before?  That tends to confirm, I think, that souls may have memories too.

       It would also explain why I might resist some notion or other that others around me seem to accept.  It could be another facet of deja vu.  I might have also challenged a same concept in another life.  Accordingly, performing a challenge in this life may be like having rehearsed that same challenge in a last life.

       Well, it's something to think about anyway.  Agree?


Make Your Own Memory


Determine Your Own Attitude


       In Conclusion, in the end, that which is so wonderful is that each of us can make our own memory - or memories - by the way we look at life and insist on living it.  If we seek to be commanded - or be a commander - that we can do.  Just hear what we want to hear - and imbed that deep within.

       Do I want to see life as wonderful?  I can do it.  Just don't listen to anything else.  Do I want to see life as some trial of tears?  I can do it.  Just only look for ways to cry - or to make another cry.  Do I want to see this Earth as a Paradise?  I can do it.  Just be aware of the wonderful mystery and energy we call Life!

       Whatever "reward" there is in the future, it is simply ours to make in the present - and simply carry it forward.  But reward does not begin with death.  It only continues from there.  If you never start a momentum, then you can never continue it.  Can you?

       God will get you for that!  How many times have I heard that?  God will get me for disobeying "His" command.  Well, it might be; but in all probability, it is just not true.

       In truth, God is "probably" not a Person outside to command; but rather a Presence in All that allows us all to "make our own memories and determine our own attitudes."



Making Memories

A song


Francis William Bessler



Making memories - it's all my soul should do.

Making memories - by living what I think is truth.

Making memories - that should be my goal in life.

It's all I have to do - to allow my soul to survive.


Whatever I may think - will become my memory;

and I will have to inherit - that which I choose to see.

Let me look at a garden - and see myself as a rose;

for a rose is only me in another pose.


Making memories - please don't stand in my way.

Making memories - you have your own space.

Making memories - let me behold the truth in you;

because by seeing you - I will be seeing me too.


Life is only difficult - if we insist on separating it

from all that is Divine -  as if some of it is sin.

Let us all celebrate - by knowing that God's in all.

We are all the same - be we short or tall.


Making memories - by walking through Paradise.

Making memories - by seeing all as Divine.

Making memories - and as I live, I will return

with the same ole memory - that my last life did churn.


Some think they should command - as others should obey.

So they call upon a lord - to help them make their way.

Thus saith the Lord - is often only an excuse

to make others do - as they want them to do.


Making memories - by loving that which is me.

Making memories - by sharing my Divinity.

Making memories - by embracing what I am

and knowing by doing that - I'm always in command.


       Until next time,


       Your Bella Vita host,


       Francis William Bessler