We are all sons of the Light!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Francis William Bessler

God As Light

I admit that I do not know the real story of Creation, but at least I can know about some of it related to our life on Earth. This is not brain science for those of us living today, though it probably did not occur to any of the ancients including the fellow who wrote GENESIS - who separated light from the Sun as if the light upon the Earth does not originate from the Sun; for he had God creating light upon the Earth before he had God creating the Sun and stars. Anyway, it could be argued that the source of life on Earth is the Light of the Sun. Right?

Where would life be without light? If the Sun were to go out, so would life on Earth - and that pretty much proves that all life on Earth is due to the “energy light” from the Sun. So, even if I do not know for sure the story of Creation in general, I can know of it as it relates to life on Earth. Life on Earth depends on the Light of the Sun. There is no way around that.
Now, a little step forward, and one can equate Infinity (or Immensity) itself with Light - at least metaphorically - because without Infinity itself, there would be nothing - not even our solar system. Thus, Infinity Itself (or Immensity) can be equated also with Light.

What does that make each of us but “sons of the Light”? Right? At least our bodies are “sons of the Light.” And whatever our souls are, if they exist as individual entities, they must also exist as “sons of Infinity (or Immensity)” - and thus, too, our souls can be considered “sons of the Light.”

Well, at least that is how I see it. I may not know a lot of details about life - but I can be confident that whatever it is, it is Good because it derives from an Infinite Good - or Goodness - or as I tend to think of Infinite Goodness, God. If God is Good, then all that comes from or resides within God must be Good as well. Makes sense. Right?

It might be somewhat misleading to say, however, that “God creates” in the first place. I know that I am always claiming that God creates, but it is probably much more correct to argue that because of God, Creation happens. Remember - being Infinity or Immensity, God can’t be a person or an individual. God can only be a Presence - or Essence; and I do believe it would be much more correct to argue that because of the Presence - or Essence - that is God, Creation happens. God does not create in the sense that He (or It) fashions individuals. God creates simply by virtue of existing as some kind of Divine and Mystery Presence that allows Creation to develop, as it were. God does not “create me” as much as “God is an Allowance by which I am created.”

It is certainly obvious to anyone who observes life that a set of parents - a Mom and Dad - are the ones who “create” the body of a person. God does not create a body. A set of human parents “create” a body; however it is because God exists and because of whatever is God that Mom and Dad can provide the seeds by which a life happens. That is not to take God out of the picture of “individual” creation; it’s only to realize that Mom and Dad - and an offspring - could not happen except by virtue of an Infinite Reality we can call “God.”

In truth, all are “sons of God” because all are “because of God.” God is the “Source” of everything by virtue of being Infinite Reality. I do believe this notion is important because of the idea that many have that God can create in terms of actually generating an individual by a conscious act; but that is probably not true. God is not the “parent” of any individual, but only the Infinite Presence by which all things can be. Whatever we are as individuals, then, we can correctly be called “sons (or daughters or progeny) of God”; but none of us are special in that regard. All are equally “sons (or children) of God” because one of us cannot have more or less of God - or Infinite Presence - than another. Even a fish or a bird or a cat or a dog or a horse - or a grain of sand - is just as much a “son of God” as I am - or you are.

For sure, Creation is a Mystery. We cannot understand it. We need not understand it; but we can Love it and Appreciate it as Holy and Sacred because it must be “of God.” And that is surely something to Celebrate! Isn’t it?

Or so, I Believe!