A Birthday Greeting!

Sharing A Daughter's Questionaire

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Tuesday, December 3, 2024
A Birthday Greeting!
Francis William Bessler, 4500 Meadowlark Lane,
Laramie, Wyo. U.S.A. 82070 willieb@wyoming.com
una-bella-vita.com and francisbessler.com

Hello, Everyone!

Today is my 83rd birthday – and I would like to share with you an essay I included in my book I called
LOVING EVERYTHING. If you like my answers to my oldest daughter’s questionaire, you will probably enjoy the entire book. If so, you can access that book via one of my websites declared above.

Thanks, Anita Marie, my oldest daughter, for your questions. That happened in 2015, but on my birthday, I think it a good idea to revisit the entire affair. Everyone, Enjoy as you can my daughter’s questions and my answers. I will let that essay of old speak for itself.

Be in touch as you like!

All My Love!

Francis William (Frank/Will) Bessler

Francis William Bessler
Laramie, Wyoming


This essay is in response to the following letter that I received from my oldest daughter, Anita, age of 44, just a day or two ago. She wants me to address her request immediately - keeping my answers from 3 to 5 pages. So, here goes. Thanks, Anita! I hope my answers are sufficient for your needs.

Hi Dad! I am taking online courses and I have to interview someone, one with views and you definitely have views. If you don't mind, here are the questions. I know you like to be lengthy. So go ahead. I have to write 3 to 5 pages, also adding in what I think. Go for it, Dad! Thanks!

Anita's Questions /
My Answers:

1. What is your belief about God or ultimate reality? My view of God is that It (not He or She) is equivalent to Infinity. I believe that because when I speculate about all existence, the term that comes to mind is "Infinity" - which could be interpreted as simply "all that is." It could also be interpreted as "Existence Without End." In any case, it cannot be defined as a "person" because persons have limits - and Existence (and God) cannot be limited.
That means there can be NO PERSONAL GOD. That translates to: there can be no alleged "authority" outside of any individual - from which that individual can claim authority. All must be In God and God must be In All.
Ultimately, then, all Reality must be Sacred. There can be no division between an All Present God and all that exists. Down through the ages, people have concluded - and falsely so - that there can be division between God and various individuals because God has been defined as a "Person," not a "Presence." But if God is truly Infinite, God can't be a "Person" - and division or separation from God must be impossible.

2. What is your view of humanity? Basically good? Bad? Flawed? Without question, humanity must be "good" - for reasons already stated in question # 1. How can humanity - or anything within existence - be "bad" if an Infinite God must be IN it?
Once again, down through history, many people have assumed that something can be "bad" or "evil" by virtue of believing that God and reality can be separated. That notion of "being bad" has derived from a false sense of "separation from God" - which, as I have stated, is simply not possible - given that God is Infinity.

What is humanity's primary problem? In my opinion, humanity's primary problem is that it does not see itself as Sacred. When we perceive ourselves as other than Sacred - or Holy - then we simply act like we believe. Many of us, if not most of us, have been told from birth that we are somehow less than what we should be - and so we have acted like we are less than what we should be. It is as simple as that.

What can be done to work on or solve this problem? What is your idea of Salvation? My idea of "Salvation" is doing what one needs to do in order to attain a sense of security. But if one realizes that he - or she - is already Sacred, then one should not have to "go anywhere" to find security. Security should be "automatic" if one realizes there can be no future more secure than the present - simply because if you do not have to go anywhere - or do anything - to find Holiness, then you should be satisfied with what you are; and that spells SECURITY. Does it not?

What is your idea of the afterlife? My idea of the afterlife is that it can only be a continuation of this life - Sacred Wise. Who knows the particulars of the afterlife? I do not; but I don't think the particulars will matter much as long as I have a sense of security when I am there.

Are there any unique practices or beliefs in your religion you would like to add? I think everyone should be aware of their own Divinity - and simply act accordingly. Look at the Natural - and know you are part of it. Since all of Nature must be Divine because an Infinite God must be IN it, just look at yourself and all that is Natural - and find God - and realize a sense of SECURITY - in this life and in all lives to come.

Life is a mystery –
there is no doubt of that;
but everything's Divine;
and that's a simple fact.
There is no place
where God can't be;
and that makes us
all members of a Divine Family.

Heaven is only living –
like everything's Divine,
regardless of temperament,
regardless of mind.
Hold your head up high –
and with life, have fun.
You're a daughter - or a son –
of the Living One.

Look out at life
and know it's all the same.
If God's in all,
all should be acclaimed.
To treat anything like
it's less than you
is to live in arrogance
and outside the truth.

The truth is
God's Kingdom is Everywhere
and that should make us
all want to care
about each other
as we pass through life,
knowing that
we're all children of the Light.