First Books Arrived Today!

Featuring A "New Look" at Life & Jesus!

Monday, August 26, 2019

Monday, August 26, 2019
First Books Arrived Today!


Hello, Everyone!

I received my first copies of my two new (and last) books today.
A final proof reading and review of each is needed,
but as is, anyone can order them. Just put my name "Francis Bessler"
in the search line of and order away.
What you get now is what I got this morning, but what will be is
99.99 % of what will be in the end. If you care about a .01 % difference,
wait until I make my final changes. OK? That will be by mid October,
at the latest.

All is Well here in Laramie with Nancy and me.
We will be flying off to Medford, Oregon on Thursday, the 29th,
for a week with Nancy's daughter, Debbie, and family.
Perhaps I will take my copies of my two new books with me
and do some final proof reading while I am there.

Without looking further at KNOWING CHRIST, the front of the book
features a picture of a little girl about the age of 4 or 5
looking into a mirror and enjoying the image looking back at her.
That photo seems cut off at top and the little girl cannot be seen
in total. I hope to make one small change to include a full look
at the little girl and not have her head cropped off, so to speak;
but that photo tells all in my opinion.

I do believe that mankind's ancient belief that somehow a
little girl of 4 is lacking in fullness and purity is almost tragic -
or is tragic. Why? Because in charging that little girl -
and ourselves in general - to look at life like it lacks in value
is exactly why we have been at war with ourselves since
time began. We have not valued ourselves as worthy
and have imposed upon ourselves notions of unworthiness
that has led the way for all sort of misbehavior and
callous treatment of life. That is what I Believe -
and it is the tale you will find in KNOWING CHRIST and

Be in touch as you wish - and ponder and enjoy as you will
one man's different look at Christianity - and life in general.

Until September!


Francis William Bessler
& supportive wife, Nancy Shaw
Laramie, Wyoming
(and, if you wish, a facebook page in process)