Nancy's Better!

Hope Nancy will be coming Home soon!

Monday, September 4, 2023

Monday, September 4, 2023
Nancy's Better!

Hello, Family!

Just a minor update on my Dear Wife, Nancy.

Y’all know I took her to our local hospital – Ivinson Memorial – last Friday. Among several handicaps she was experiencing, a major one was failure to eat or drink. On Saturday, the good doctors there decided to scope her esophagus – by whatever means they do such; and they found it closed. Today we were informed that that closure is due to an inflamation of the esophogus due to too much stomach acid.

That is a new one to me, but I am happy to tell you that they have been doctoring her at Ivinson – and she has improved a good bit. I guess they dilated her esophagus and have been given her some medicines intravenously. It has helped a lot. She was even eating a chicken breast shortly before I left her today with her good nurses. She has not been able to do that for several weeks. So, consider modern medicine and good doctoral care to be worth a lot. If things continue to show ok, she should be released on Wednesday. How about that? It’s not for sure, but unless something else turns up that has to be dealt with, Nancy will be coming home Wednesday – Sept. 6th. Maybe on Sept 7th, I can email you all and tell you Nancy’s Home.

Thanks for all your Good Wishes and Prayers.


All Our Love,

Francis (Frank) Wiliam (Will) Bessler –
Dear Wife, Nancy Shaw

P.S. I am always looking for a way to share my Divine Naturist Christian views on life. So, today, I gave Dr. Ullrich who is treating Nancyat Ivinson a copy of the last letter I shared with you on telling a bit about my SPENDING SOME TIME series via my website. Later, I will hand out copies to some of the other staff at Ivinson. Who knows if it will interest any of them, but, as I see it – it never hurts to share. Right? If you have not checked it out yourself, give it a shot. Never mind the guy in the series can’t sing like a Perry Como. I’ll bet Perry never had more fun than I did with that series.