And Initiating Grave Sites For Us!
Saturday, May 27, 2023
Saturday, May 27, 2023
Hello, Everybody!
As I have mentioned in previous emails,
my dear brother, Denny (Denis Joseph) Bessler,
peacefully passed away in his home in Helena, Montana
at the ripe old age of 82 from lung cancer on 4/24/2023.
I was with him by phone contact when he died;
and that has meant a lot to me. I am so glad I was “present” -
though I was nearly 800 miles away
in our home in Laramie, Wyoming
when Denny passed.
That incident, however,
has prompted me to think of my own passing.
How best to leave a msg to those I leave behind?
Well, Nancy & I decided to prepare for our passing
by securing a site in our local cemetery.
We will leave a bit of a message
on a tombstone overlooking our final resting stop.
I do believe that will be a good way
to prepare for our eventual exits
and share a msg for the world in process.
I have already decided
on the content of that inscription that is planned,
but I won't share that just yet.
I will leave that for another day. OK?
But what a beautiful spot we have picked.
Not that it matters,
but our final address will be Row K, Lot 33, and Space 5
in our local cemetery –
Laramie Greenhill Cemetery in Laramie, Wyoming.
A tree overlooks where we will be laid –
and beautiful grass abounds.
Who knows?
We might even occasionally visit our final resting spot,
so to speak, though we know our souls
will probably be far away
securing another Heavenly existence elsewhere
once we leave our body remains behind.
Oh, what a Wonderful Thought that is for me -
to know I lived a life of peace and will be going on in peace -
simply because I will inherit the same ole me when I pass -
or better put, we, Nancy and I, will be reaching out in peace
simply because we lived in peace.
At least, that is Our Belief.
So, come and see us at our plot in our local cemetery -
even if we are not there yet –
and be amused, if you will, at the msg we will be sharing –
in life as in death.
For what it's worth, we recommend the process for all -
if you are relatively sure you will end where you are!
What do you think?
Thank you, Denny, for passing in peace as we chatted by phone
and prompting me to consider making my (our) passing easier.
Good Luck, wherever you are, Dear Brother!
We will be coming soon - even if soon is many years away -
or just around the corner.
And Good Luck to sister-in-law, Pat, Denny’s widow –
and all of Denny & Pat’s kids: Jeff, Kim, and Kenny!
Love & Peace to you All!
Francis William (Frank, Will) Bessler &
Lovely Wife, Nancy Hammond Shaw -
as she will be noted on our headstone.
P.S. Our birth dates
will be noted on our memorial stone immediately,
though, of course, our passing dates
will have to be added when they occur.
We will be cremated and only ashes will be interred.
So we won't be taking up a whole lot of space. LOL!