As WISDOM would have it!

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Saturday, March 8, 2025
3/8/25: Noon
Francis William Bessler:
4500 Meadowlark Lane, Laramie, Wyoming, 82070
307-742-7428; &

1746 Fetterman Drive, Unit 2, Laramie, Wyoming
307-742-7428; &

Hello, Everyone!

I am in the process of moving from my old address, noted above,
to the new address, also noted above. Hopefully, I will be connected,
internet, pc, and tv, by this time next week – March 15th. Time will tell, but that is my plan anyway.

Actually, I have been in process for over a month, aided by my lovely oldest daughter, Anita, who lives 160 miles away in Aurora, Colo. I have also been aided by my good friends, Chris and Rich - who live about a mile away. Chris and Rich have asked a young friend named Ben to help with the process too. So, I have had lots of help in this process – and without them, I think I would be somewhat lost. At age of 83, my energy level is pretty low. Anita is always noting my being out of breath after some task and hollering – DAD, TAKE A REST! And, believe me, I do just that. I might pass out if I didn’t. LOL! As a matter of fact, Anita, is on her way here to continue with her help at this time. Anita’s mother and my first wife, Dee, have assisted me a lot. Thanks, Anita & Dee!

Anyway, be it noted. My Dear Nancy, who passed Nov. 1, 2023, just 3 weeks shy of her 91st birthday, asked me to move in with her after her husband and my good friend, Joce, died at age of 88 from Parkinsons Disease on Feb. 29, 2012. I moved in at Nancy’s invitation in mid March, 2012 after Joce’s Memorial. This house is too big for a single widow – being at least a 4 bedroom home. So, it only make sense to allow for a family – or at least, multiple persons – to take up residence here. Thus, I am moving to a much smaller 2 bedroom apt, again noted above.

I will have been here for 13 years. I am very glad for that – thanks to my
Dear Nancy; but it is time to move on to better promote my Divine Naturist Christian ideas with profit from a sale of my home. At least, that is my main motive for moving.

Who knows how that will go? I don’t; but I will deal with it from my new residence at 1746 Fetterman Drive. In general, I have entitled myself as a Divine Naturist Christian because I believe everything and everyone is Divine – and I believe that Jesus probably believed the same – based on various evidences from the long hidden gospels of the Apostles, Thomas and Mary Magdalene. My Dear Nancy insisted that we publish some of my ideas about that theme. Based on that insistence and encouragement, we did just that – starting with a book I called WILD FLOWERS in 2014 and ending with a 10th book I called TRUE CHRISTIANITY in 2019.

I will be in my new apt by this time next week if all goes well; but I sure thank Anita and her mother, Dee, for helping me with this move. Dee and I adopted Anita at her age of 3 months in 1970. I am sure Anita feels like she adopted Dee and I as her parents. It probably works out that way. Sincere adoption goes both ways. Right, Anita?

Dee and I divorced after ten years of marriage in 1977 due to each of us choosing different spiritual paths as life moved on. When we married in 1967, we were both Catholic; but in 1973, I decided to leave my precious Catholicism behind for disbelieving in the Catholic doctrine of original sin. As time moved on, I came to believe that God must be an Infinite Presence in all and not an Infinite Person, separate from Its creation. Thus, if God must be an Infinite Presence in all, there can be no separation from God. Dee did not agree with that. So we decided it best that each of us move on in our new separate ways.

And I am grateful for the help from Chris and Rich – and their accomplice, Ben. As it happened, shortly before I started the process of a move, Chris and Rich asked me to take in their 5 year old cats, Milo and Willa, for personal reasons. So, Milo and Willa have been with me for several weeks; and they have been very good company. They are both very friendly. I am glad they were here to see me off, so to speak. Thanks, Chris and Rich – and Milo and Willa!

Enough for now! I will be offline for about a week, if all goes as planned. I will let you know when it is all done!


Francis William Bessler (Frank/Will/Sonny)