Why Make A Mask Such a Big Thing?
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Hello, Everyone!
Just to share a letter to the editor I just submitted to our local Laramie Boomerang.
Sometimes they feature a letter I write - and sometimes they don't;
but it never hurts to try. Does it?
Have a Good One!
Francis William Bessler -
and wife, Nancy Shaw
I do not understand why my fellow citizens – or many of them – resist wearing a mask in order to help prevent the spread of COVID-19; but let me say it this way. Enjoy wearing a mask – regardless of it being a requirement or simply a recommendation. Why not? Why make this an issue when it is such a simple thing? Why?
Of course, if wearing a mask is a detriment to your health because it might make breathing too hard – as is the case for a few I know – then maybe you should not consider wearing a mask, but for all of us who are only slightly handicapped – at most – when wearing a mask, why not? Never mind all the talk about it being a violation of your freedom. Lots of things are “violations or impediments to freedom,” but that does not keep people from abiding by some rule or other. So why is wearing a mask more a violation of your freedom than having to stop at a stop light? Why is wearing a mask more a violation of your freedom that having to drive within a speeding limit? Why is wearing a mask more a violation of your freedom than not being able to smoke in a public arena?
But even if you are concerned about your freedom being violated by having to wear a mask out of simple courtesy of protecting others from your breath that may or may not be infected with a virus, hey, think about making it a joy to wear a mask in the first place. Put on a mask and make fun of yourself. Why not? Why make such a simple thing as wearing a mask such a big thing? Just do it – and stop making excuses for not doing it. OK? You may not save a life by doing so, but you may cause someone to lose their life if you don't. Just consider the tradeoff. Alright? Thanks for listening!