Friday, July 31, 2020
Hello, Everyone!
Today is a day of Celebration for me. Why? Yesterday, I finished some 3 DVD programs that I wanted to post with an online agency called Media On Demand. All three were kind of postscripts for previous DVD albums that were multiple volume albums. Actually, I intend them to be prefixes or introductions to those albums, not postscripts as such. All of my 10 DVD programs were only posted this year on an online agency called Media On Demand, though they were first recorded long ago via a VHS camcorder and later converted to DVD. I completed my posting of the first 7 albums by May or so of this year, but have been working on a final three for about three months. Yesterday, I completed my posting effort for the final 3 programs, programs 8, 9, & 10; however they need to be reviewed by Media On Demand before they can be actually made public. That should take less than 10 days. Assuming approval by Media On Demand, expect that all will be available by mid-August or so.
Program # 8 is a thing called A RATIONALIST’S LOOK AT JESUS – Intro. Upon reviewing the previously completed four volume album called A RATIONALIST’S LOOK AT JESUS, I decided I need to offer a kind of single volume introduction to that album of four volumes in order to make it easier for someone to decide if they want the whole album or not. So, I set out to offer the first volume of that set of four as a single volume album. Then someone who might be interested could order that single volume and better decide if they want the complete four volume album. A RATIONALIST’S LOOK AT JESUS is largely an interpretation of one of my favorite works – THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THOMAS – which offers a different view of Jesus than the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Only a few of us know anything about THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THOMAS. Since I know a little about it and love what I think I know, in 2003, I decided I should offer somewhat of a commentary. So, I recorded a VHS based series that I called OUT OF THE DARKNESS – INTO THE LIGHT. A RATIONALIST’S LOOK AT JESUS is that series, converted to DVD.
Program # 9 is a thing called THE WAY IT SHOULD BE, but it, too, is a single volume representation of a four volume album called THE MASTERY SERIES – which is a solo nudist production I did in 2003 and 2004 featuring me roaming au-natural in my early ‘60s in various landscapes of Wyoming & Colorado. Upon review, I decided I need to make available a single volume album of that one as a sort of introduction to the entire series. Then if one is not totally turned off seeing someone roaming about au-natural in one volume, maybe they can handle an entire series; however, THE MASTERY SERIES is mostly about a dubbing of an audio cassette album called MASTER OF YOUR OWN FATE I did in the ‘80s with some Atlanta, Georgia singers and musicians. Only secondarily is it about someone roaming naked in the woods. I happen to love that audio cassette album which is a blending of original commentary & song about a theme of life I call “Divine Naturism,” but who knows what others think of it. I am only sharing it, not compelling it with THE MASTERY SERIES and its single volume representative THE WAY IT SHOULD BE. If someone wants to take a chance on the entire album, so be it; but if one needs to look at one to decide upon further interest, then let them order THE WAY IT SHOULD BE.
Program # 10 is a thing called TIME TO PAUSE. It is a representative single volume album offering of what you can expect from a three volume album called THE STORY OF LOVE. Both THE STORY OF LOVE and TIME TO PAUSE feature a dubbing of my audio cassette album of the ‘80s called MASTER OF YOUR OWN FATE onto a friends & family pictorial. I did it because I thought that some might prefer a pictorial over a landscapes based video that embraces nudity. The pictorial of TIME TO PAUSE, however, is not the same as that of THE STORY OF LOVE. Rather than feature one of the programs of THE STORY OF LOVE as a representative or introduction to THE STORY OF LOVE in a single volume album, I decided to feature a new pictorial. I had intended to feature volume 1 of THE STORY OF LOVE as introductory to that album, but then a thing called COVID-19 happened and made me think about a “need to pause” to consider the meaning of life. I decided on the name, TIME TO PAUSE, first, and intended on providing the first volume of THE STORY OF LOVE for the single volume introduction or representative of THE STORY OF LOVE. Then another thing happened that completely swept me into a different thought. In early June, my pc was hacked and I lost most of what I had on my pc, including almost all of my picture files. The picture files the hacker left me, however, were scrambled. That gave me an idea of generating a separate pictorial that features life in a scramble, so to speak. The meaning of life is not dependent upon order as I see it. So presenting it in a scrambled way could tell that story. Thus, I generated a new friends and family pictorial and dubbed it with the first volume of my audio cassette series called MASTER OF YOUR OWN FATE.
So, there it is. Most of my life, I have been trying to present a different view of life – a view that considers all things equally Divine and equally worthy. All of my 10 DVD albums deal with that view – which I tagged with the name of “Divine Naturism” in the early ‘80s. I know that most think of life as being some kind of test or practice to achieve sanctity some place and some time else, but I have long considered that to probably be an erroneous way of thinking. If an Infinite God exists, then by virtue of that “infinity,” It has to be everywhere – not just one place and lacking in another. How can it be that God can be one place and not another? That translates to everywhere being Heaven, though it takes living it to realize it’s so. Jesus offered that “Heaven is at hand,” but I do believe we have failed to understand what he meant by that.
In THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THOMAS, verse 3, Jesus said: If those who lead you say to you: See, the Kingdom is in heaven”, then the birds of the heaven will precede you. If they say to you: It is in the sea,” then the fish will precede you. But the Kingdom is within you and it is without you. If you will know yourselves, then you will be known and you will know that you are sons of the Living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you are in poverty and you are poverty.
According to that, Jesus was not “the only son of God.” We are all “sons” or “daughters” or “children” of God. It is only realizing that and treating everything and everyone as an equal child of God that any of us will ever know what is generally referred to as “Heaven.” Life itself is not complicated. We have only “complicated” it by insisting that it is. Or so, I Believe!
Be that as it may, in 2019, I completed 10 books. In 2020, I have completed 10 DVD programs. For what it’s worth, I will name the books and DVDs below. I may add a bit of a pamphlet summarizing both books and DVDs later, but for now, I am done. Enjoy what you wish of that effort by inserting “Francis Bessler” in an online search bar and see what it shows. My favorite is Amazon, but choose what you will. Order what you want, keeping in mind that you should read the description I provide on Amazon to know what you are getting.
Thanks so much for listening!
Have a Good One – and Stay Safe!
Francis William Bessler &
Supportive wife, Nancy Shaw
(Year of Publication in parenthesis.
Most compiled from works of long ago):
1. WILD FLOWERS (2014)
AND ME (2017)
6. IT’S A NEW DAY (2017)
(Year of 1st VHS recording in parenthesis):
1. THE RIVER BEND NATURALIST SERIES (1989-1999:single vol)
2. LOOKING FOR THE REAL EASTER (2002:single vol)
4. TEN VIRTUES OF A CHRISTIAN NATURIST (1986/2008:single vol)
5. THE MASTERY SERIES (2003/2004:4 vol)
6. THE STORY OF LOVE (2014:3 vol)
7. CELEBRATING LIFE (2018:single vol)
8. A NATURALIST’S LOOK AT JESUS – Intro (2002: single vol)
9. THE WAY IT SHOULD BE – (2004:single vol)
10. TIME TO PAUSE – (2020:single vol)