Friday, April 22, 2016
Hello, Everyone!
My brother, Paul, turns 78 today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PAUL!
I don't always share a "birthday present" to a brother with everyone, but because of the circumstances, I think I will today. A few days ago, April 12th, I decided to share another article I wrote years ago called JOURNEY OF MY SOUL on the occasion of my late mother's 108th birthday. It was about a vision - or paranormal experience - I had in 1975. But in reviewing that article, I found myself "disagreeing" with it - in terms of my past interpretation of that experience. I sure did not expect that, but it happened. So I decided I would add that past interpretation to my blog of my writings website - and not pass it forward - with a pledge to myself to rewrite the original article and "try to get it right."
Hey, visions can be hard to interpret. It is really easy to get them wrong; but my own experience with that sort of thing taught me that as I could get my own vision wrong, so could have others who have had visions in the past.
Move over, John of the Gospels, for instance. Here was a fellow that had this long exhausting dream or vision about his "interpretation" of what he dreamt about. Out of that, we got a tale of Armageddon and some rather outlandish tale of his view of the end of times. His Jesus was going to judge us all and split us into camps - one camp of the "saved" and another camp of the "damned." Poor John! That was quite some dream - or vision. The problem is that a whole lot of us have believed it. Can you imagine any dream being of such importance that the "whole world" would believe it?
Crazy, huh? Some would object to my objecting to a dream of such character - and would have me damned for challenging it; but from one "dreamer" about another, I have long challenged that Dream of John as making absolutely NO SENSE. Why should I - or anyone else - put any faith in such a vision? And who was this fellow, John, to claim that his dream should be accepted as INFALLIBLE TRUTH? I had a vision too, but I never claimed it was something that everyone must believe. That's the difference between ole John and me, perhaps. You can take my vision - or leave it - but make nothing more of it than a tale of one individual who is no better or worse than any other individual. Ole John probably saw himself among the "saved" of his dream - and thus felt obliged to tell everyone about his so called "vision of the end of times."
With that, let me leave you with my own rewrite of my own vision of 1975. After 41 years, I may have it right, but be it so or not so, who should care? Right?
On another front, this week I started to pursue making my 5 books of last year and the year before available on a digital basis. That process - Kindle - is new to me; but maybe my mid May or so, anyone who wants a book of mine will be able to order it by hard copy via or by digital copy by Kindle. I will let you know when the "Kindle Process" is ready - and I will try to modify my website title page to inform about that process too. Are you listening, Crile or Laora? Crile & Laora helped me design my website and aid me to maintain it too? Thanks, you two!
Enjoy my vision of '75 - if you can and will. Feel Welcome to "interpret" my vision on your own if you want. Alright? Print out my attached file if you wish, too, and share it as you will. And you might compare the "Vision of Francis" with the "Vision of John" too - and realize that one is probably no more authentic than the other. Believe as you will, but don't believe because I said so. Believe only "if it makes sense." Agree?
A dreamer or visionary of a different sort,
Francis William Bessler
Laramie, Wyoming
(10 Pages)
Francis William Bessler
Laramie, Wyoming
This is a revision of an earlier essay I wrote called JOURNEY OF MY SOUL. If you wish, you can review that one in the Blog Section of my writings website - Just scan my blogs for one written about 4/12/2016 - when I posted it. OK?
How is this JOURNEY OF A SOUL different from JOURNEY OF MY SOUL? Well, this one attempts to take a personal vision described below and apply it to everyone. The former one took the personal vision described below and applied it to me - for the most part. Perhaps I was too close to my own vision - as described below - when I wrote about it in JOURNEY OF MY SOUL and failed to see that it had - and has - a greater general meaning.
Of course, that idea that a personal vision can apply to all is personal opinion in itself; but I will leave you to judge that for yourself after you have reviewed my current approach. With that in mind, let me begin.
Francis William Bessler
Laramie, Wyoming
Describing a "Personal Vision"
In the Fall (or maybe Summer) of 1975, I had a rather unique experience. I was returning to Denver, Colorado - where I lived - from the state of Oklahoma. I had driven a few young students to Norman, Oklahoma for a seminar for the Unification Church. I had no belief in that church, but at the request of a friend, Cathy Corrigan, who did belong, I consented to drive Cathy and some of her Unification Church friends to Oklahoma where they could attend a seminar for their church. On the way back, it happened!
I was letting one of the young friends of Cathy drive my car. I was sitting in the back seat, resting from having driven a good while before then. As I was resting, I had this very interesting experience. While in a slumber state – in between sleep and full awareness – with my eyes closed, I had what I call a paranormal experience – meaning outside the norm. Some might call it a vision; and for this essay, I will too.
With my eyes closed, I began to see what would develop into a seven phase visionary experience. In phase 1 of the experience, I had a vision that was two dimensional. Before the total expanse before my eyes, I saw a totally fluctuating orange background with a similar orange sphere in front of it. The first dimension was the orange background. The second dimension was the orange sphere in front of the orange background. At this point, everything was orange – and brilliantly so. The background was moving like waves upon the sea. The orange sphere was shining like the sun in a clear blue sky and occupied at least a third of the picture.
Then phase 2 of the experience began. As I sat there, quite aware of the conversation going on in the car amongst the others, about a fourth of the way down in front of the sphere, I saw a blue line shoot across from the left side – starting from outside of the sphere or globe and extending in front of the globe to about 2/3 of the way across it. That was the beginning of the third dimension. First, the orange background, second, in front of that an orange globe, and third, in front of the globe, a single blue line, extending part way in front of the globe.
Needless to say, I was quite impressed, but I had no idea what it all meant – if it meant anything. Then while pondering the existing upper blue line on the left side of the vision, phase 3 of the experience began. Seconds later, another blue line shot across in front of the globe from the lower right side of the picture, about a fourth of the way up from the bottom of the sphere, extending from outside the globe to about 2/3 of the way across it – overlapping the initial blue line on top a good bit. So, now, I was witnessing a fully orange background with a similar orange globe in front of it and two overlapping blue lines in front of the orange globe.
After watching this rather interesting spectacle for a few seconds, the 4th phase of the experience began – the two blue lines began to move toward the middle of the globe and to each other. This phase ended eventually into a phase 5 after the two separate blue lines merged into a single blue line in the middle. Just before the merge, blue sparks reached from one line to the other. It was all very comfortable for me up to this time.
Then an uncomfortable phase 6 began. While sitting there and wondering what all this might mean, the blue line – quite brilliantly so – turned abruptly into a red line. The blue completely disappeared. Now I was faced with an orange fluctuating background with a brilliant globe in front and a single fiery red line in front of the globe, extending from outside the globe on the left side to outside the globe on the right side. I must admit to being uncomfortable during this phase, not liking the red at all, sensing it reflected discomfort in some way as red normally would.
In retrospect, however, with this current interpretation, I believe I was a bit hasty in my interpretation of red. I will explain later.
Phase 6 did not last long, though. After a few seconds, phase 7 began. The red line turned back into the same brilliantly blue line from which it originally came. Phase 7 of the vision continued for quite a while; but it was the last phase. I would open my eyes and close them and the phase 7 picture would continue for some time. I am not sure how long the whole experience happened, but at least for a few minutes, I’d say. I opened my eyes and closed them to test reoccurrence of the vision at least a half dozen times. Eventually, of course, the spectacle disappeared.
Interpreting My Vision
What did it mean - assuming, of course, that it meant anything at all? What would such a vision tell me?
First of all, I think one should ask from where did the vision come? Did I receive it from some outside source - or from myself? If I did receive it from some outside source, who was the source? Was it God - or an angel of God? If it did come from me, how did it come to me?
I think in terms of possibilities and probabilities in answering that question. Yes, it is "possible" it derived from some outside source; but it is "probable" that it originated from within in some way. It is that "within" notion that allows me to define my vision itself. If the vision came to me from outside of me, then I would have to rely on that outside source to explain it. Wouldn't I?
Be that as it may, looking at my vision as I do now, I see NO EVIDENCE that the two blue lines described in that vision originated from some uniquely Divine Source. They happened, but they happened according to some ongoing Natural Way. No Divine Source - or God - breathed them into existence. I think that says a lot; and I will explain more as I go along.
For now, though, let me examine the 1st phase of the vision. In that phase, two images were apparent - a fluctuating orange background and a same color orange foreground. Why did I see such? Well, I think now that it was my way of "telling myself" that in the beginning, as it were, there was only a Source - one Source. Orange signifies Source - which personally I relate as "God." The "Source" extended all the way from the left to the right in my vision. There was NO DIVISION within it - even though there was a lot of activity within it as evidenced by the fluctuating aspect of it. In front of that all extensive foreground, though, there was a same color orange sphere. What did that mean?
I think the meaning derives from the shape as well as the color. The color was an extension of the background color, but the shape was different. The shape was a sphere - or a circular object. I think that implies - or expresses - perfection. A circle is symbolic of "perfection" - meaning that all that was in my vision is "perfect." In life, I see the same thing. I see only perfection in all that is - in terms of anything that is must be "perfect" as an individual entity - simply because every thing is part of a "Perfect Whole."
So, there it was - phase 1 of my vision. In the beginning, there was an all consuming perfect Existence or Creation, as it were; but then something else came into the picture in phase 2. One blue line extended from just outside the globe in front of the globe to part way inside the globe. From where did this blue line come - and what did it represent?
This is where this current interpretation gets a bit tricky, but remember my earlier question as to what was the origin of my vision in the first place. Did it come from "without" or from "within"? I stated that I believe it came from "within" because I had no sense of being visited by an outside agent.
Keep in mind, however, that any vision is not intended to offer any event as a detailed picture of truth. All visions say only what their author wants them to say. In this case the author was myself - and my vision was to tell me only what I "want to know."
So, what did I want to know by the "instruction" - or from the instruction - of this vision? Quite simply - that I came again, so to speak. The top blue line from the left simply represents me as I was - from a previous life; and the bottom blue line from the right represents me as I am - from this life. Again, the way I can know that the top blue line represents the past is that it occurred first in my vision - whereas the bottom blue line came afterwards. The present follows the past in the natural order of things; and that is why it is reasonable to define the later blue line as representing the present.
I suppose, too, that one could argue that the top blue line represented the present and the bottom blue line represented the future. That would work in the same light that the present and the past are one. More than likely the present and the future are one too - for any of us who pass from one to the other.
Of course, some would argue that this entire speculation is without basis in reality. If you do believe that, then fine, find your own explanation of your present - or for your present; but this is my vision and my explanation according to how I see the reality of my soul. If it is not your reality, then I would recommend finding your own reality because whatever is your reality, you will have to inherit it. Right?
Why the color blue? Because blue signifies peace & contentment; and at least in my case, peace & contentment have been presiding sentiments of life. In the process of life, however, one becomes aware that one had an earlier life; and that is why the two overlapping blue lines eventually merge in the middle. Both blue lines represent a single person - be it you or me; but both lines are really only one in the end.
In my earlier interpretation of this vision, I concluded that the top line represents the soul of a person - and the bottom blue line represents the body of a person. It certainly could be taken that way - if one sees a body as equal to a soul - or a soul as equal to a body. It works that way too, but my current interpretation leaves out my body and focuses on my soul - or person. Perhaps it is because as I interpret my vision now, I am considerably older than I was when it occurred - 1975. That was 41 years ago as I write this - and perhaps I am not nearly as "body oriented" now as I was back then.
With the advantage of age, I can see clearly now - perhaps. I still love my body and consider my body to be my greatest companion in life, but soon my body will cease and my soul will go on. Accenting soul in this current interpretation allows me to go beyond one life - as probably happens in reality, so to speak.
One aspect of life in the world within which we live, I think, is that tradition of various forms tends to "overcome" any soul or person we were when we came into a given incarnation. It takes time to realize that we were in a past life at all; and in that time period where we are overcome by a current tradition, it is as if we "never lived before" because we are conscious of only this life; but as we live, we learn that in the past we were - or probably were.
Having "intuition" tells us so. If we have intuition - or some innate awareness - it is most likely that it derives from some previous experience - or soulful life. We did not just come into being from some single Divine Source as if we are obligated to that single Divine Source - as much of earthly tradition would have us believe. In all likelihood, we came from a previous incarnation into this one; and in all likelihood, in the future, we will go into a next incarnation; but as we are now, we were before; and as we are now, we will become again - disposition wise.
What was I telling myself in the 4th phase of my vision of '75 when I offered that the two overlapping blue lines came together to "meet in the middle"? I was telling myself that realization of having come from a past incarnation and that two lives are really one is gradual. It takes living a life to know that in all likelihood, each of us probably had a past incarnation. Some refuse to accept this tale of two lives and think that by keeping to only one life, they will deal better with the life they have - as if they began, soulful wise, in this life and are obligated to a mysterious source that created them in some instantaneous fashion; but in doing that and ignoring probable reality, they chance to become victims of those who would claim to be "prophets" of an alleged mysterious creator God.
But let me avoid that tale for now. Getting back to my vision, the past (the top blue line) and the present (the bottom blue line) come together to "meet in the middle." It is that realization that each of us must deal with a someone we were by "presenting" a person we are - or have become - that is represented by the final merging of past and present. At least, that is my current interpretation of this 41 year old vision of 1975.
In the 5th phase of my vision, the past and present merge - or realization of past and present merge; but when the two become close, blue sparks extend from one line to the other. That is simply a reflection that a union is close. We are "almost there" - or I am almost there - or you are almost there - if you choose to see life in this way at all.
At the end of the 5th phase, all is one; but then something happens in phase 6 of the vision. The previous blue line of peace & contentment - as I think blue represents - turns into a red line - momentarily. What does that imply - or express?
Earlier, I said I thought that red represents discomfort or troubling or trauma; but it could also represent excitement or passion - neither of which needs to be troubling or traumatic. Having lived my own merging of the past and present, sure there was some troubling aspect of it, but the troubling aspect came before the realization that my past is also my present - or that my present is also my past - in terms of one is the other. In my case, all of that troubling and trauma was behind me by the time I realized my past and present are one. In my case, once I realized that I "came from me" - in terms of probably having a past life - and realized that my current me is probably an extension of a past me, I was completely at peace. So, in my case at least, the red represented - or probably represented - excitement and/or passion.
Why did not the single blue line stay red - if the red does represent excitement or passion? Because the excitement and passion recedes - for the most part - as peace & contentment become the predominant characters of life. That is so, of course, only if peace & contentment are the presiding characters of a life. Given that peace & contentment are the presiding characters of a life, in a way, the passion one feels when becoming aware of the truth - or truths - of life relaxes - as peace & contentment become the overriding dispositions of life; and that is why the temporary red in my vision turned back into blue. It's not that excitement and passion have disappeared, however. No way! I am very excited and passionate about life now; and I am still in love with that passion and excitement about life; but passion and excitement about life have become subordinate to peace & contentment.
Why did I "know this" in 1975 when I was only 33? Because I had "been there before," so to speak. I "sensed" that it had happened before; and as it happened before, it would likely happen again - that is, with me.
I do admit, however, that each personal scenario is different. My past dictates my present and future, but your past dictates your present and future. In that, we may or may not be one. Some want to be dominated in a present because they chose to be dominated in the past. Being dominated - or dominating - is what they know; but regardless of who or what each of us is, we all can fit into the vision I have described, I think.
It is good to know, however, that each of us can change - once we become aware of a need to change. We can exchange one character for another one; and then once such an exchange has happened, well, we will be on course to inherit the newly chosen character - in this life or a next.
It is also possible that one could live a present life that is inconsistent with a past life, In that case, maybe "red" would represent derailment from a past track. Life has its risks; and one of the risks of life is that one can be overcome with some form of new behavior or conduct. I can enter the world a peaceful soul; and then because of circumstances that confront me, I could turn into a warring soul. There are no guarantees in life. Any of us can become what we were not before - if we are not watchful; but that possibility is as positive as it is negative. With the right guidance, a previously war minded soul could convert into a peace minded soul too.
Personally, I believe that is what the Life of Christ was all about - to encourage previously war minded souls to convert to being peace minded - not for the sake of Christ, but for the sake of one who is in need of conversion to a much better way of life.
In my vision, I did not - and do not - emphasize any division. There is no good on this side and evil on that side. There is NO DIVISION of the all expansive Orange Source into some proverbial good and evil as related to that Source. There is No GOD that is "overlooking" the blue lines in the middle and encouraging or discouraging any behavior - or promising reward or punishment for behavior. The reward or punishment is simply having to inherit a choice of character. That may be all there is to it.
In my vision, each blue line is perfect as the blue line - or single entity - it is. It is for each of us to decide what kind of entity we want to be - in this life or another one; but it is "probable" that as we each decide what we want to be - or become - we will qualify to be that one.
And maybe I am wrong too. I have been wrong in the past; and I could certainly be wrong in the present. There are many who are absolutely sure I am wrong; and they might be right too. As I often argue, let each decide for him or herself; but my vision leads me to believe I am more right than wrong. Intuition is nothing more than knowing - or sensing - one is right because of some past experience; and my intuition tells me my vision is right for me. And if it is right for me, maybe it is right for you too - simply because in the end, we are all alike.
Let me finish with a song I wrote just last year called My Life Is My Own. Perhaps, in verse, it can embellish on what has been stated previously in essay. I will leave it at that. Alright?
Thanks for Listening!
Francis William Bessler
My Life Is My Own
Francis William Bessler
Laramie, Wyoming
My life is my own.
It belongs to no one else.
My life is my own -
as I'm so proud to tell.
My life is my own.
That's the way it should be;
and as it is for me, my friend,
it's also true for thee.
Life is quite a miracle.
We need nothing more.
At least, that's how I see it -
and try to live it, for sure.
Why should I waste my time
looking away from life
when it is there I should hope
to find that which is Divine?
Let me look at you, girl,
and be amazed at what I see
and know that what I see
is filled with Divinity.
The wonder of your eyes
and the grace of your shape
should leave me feeling grateful
that I'm one to share your state.
Let me look at you, boy,
and know that I'm like you.
In you I find myself
and in you I find my truth.
It is not very complicated
as I see the two of us now.
To love that we too are one
should be my only vow.
Someday, for sure, I will die
and leave all memory behind,
but the attitude I take with me
will be mine next time.
Indeed, my life is my own,
but let me give it away as well.
Be mindful we are precious
and we will never live in Hell.
Let me look at my fellow birds
and know we share Paradise.
Let me swim among the fish
and be aware we both are fine.
Let me wander among the stars,
knowing it's all the same on Earth;
and when I die, I will find
a simply fantastic (splendid) rebirth.
Refrain (twice).
Indeed, as it is for me, my friend,
it's also true for thee.