The Kingdom of Jesus!

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Saturday, July 1, 2023
July 1st, 2023

Hello, Everyone!

Lots of things are happening now, but all things aside, one thing stands out – my enjoyment of my book I called LOVING EVERYTHING. I mentioned I was enjoying that book in a letter I wrote in mid June, but then I was only half way through. Now I am almost finished. Just goes to show, I guess, there’s nothing wrong with taking time to read something – even if it is a book you have compiled yourself. LOL!

To summarize, LOVING EVERYTHING is a combination of original essays and songs about the Wonder & Majesty of Life as the Jesus of Thomas & Mary and I see it. You can acquire a copy of LOVING EVERYTHING via Amazon or one of my websites – una-bella-vita.com or francisbessler.com. I will give you a glimpse of the contents below with an article in it called THE MYSTERY OF JESUS. That essay is about 20 pages long of a 350 page book, but I will present only 2 pages within my 20 page essay that are entitled The Kingdom of Jesus and The “Lord’s” Prayer. If you can relate to the contents of such, you will probably like the entire LOVING EVERYTHING.

As anyone who knows me knows, I have a great fondness of the one we call “Jesus;” however I see him in a very different light than most – mostly because of my general perception that all Life is Sacred as it is because An Infinite God must be IN it, not outside of it like a “pagan god” of old would have us believe. I do believe we have misunderstood God since time began - and in our misunderstanding, we have made God like one of us. We have treated God like a “Person” to please rather than like a “Presence” to appreciate. In doing that, we have seen ourselves as “far from the Glory of God” – as Peter and Paul would have us believe – when all of the time we have been “God’s Children” as the long banned GOSPELS of THOMAS and MARY MAGDALENE would have us believe.

Will we ever change to accept we may have been led down a wrong path by very sincere believers of the traditional notion of our being sinners from the womb? I do not know, but I must say I believe there is a fair chance we will. Though my writings have so far impacted none, so to speak; there is always a tomorrow – and maybe, just maybe, people may “wake” up and realize their truths. Time will tell! On the side, be careful what you ban because what you ban may be the truth. Honor others, Please, by keeping your bans to yourself! Is that too much to ask?

Hey, my Dear Dad (Leo Peter Bessler) died on July 7th, 1966, at the age of 59 – the victim of an auto/pedestrian accident outside of our home town of Powell, Wyoming. We are approaching an anniversary of that event – and that is why I am sharing this letter now. Dad was the pedestrian, run over by a truck whose driver fell asleep at the wheel. We loved our Dear Dad while he lived – and we still love him. Dear Dad, we know you are well, being at peace because you were that in life, but we dedicate this letter to you. Share it with our “fellow angels.” OK?


All Our Love,

Francis William Bessler (Frank, Will),
or “Sonny Boy” as the family called me &
my Dear Supportive Wife, Nancy Hammond Shaw.

The Kingdom
of Jesus

I know it is fashionable to think that Jesus died for us, but I have gone through that so many times in my mind and heart to suspect that if Jesus were to tell me himself of what is important, he would tell me to look at his life - not his death. Death is not important for any of us, but living right is. I hear him telling me that. He would tell me that I should be thoughtful of life now and be impressed with life now, realizing that OUR FATHER is its Creator. Of what sense does it make to deny what the Creator is making and giving? That is what he would ask me. He'd tell me to be aware of my blessings today and be satisfied with "daily bread" and not be greedy. He would tell me that I should forgive others in order to live in a state of forgiveness. Imagine that? He would tell me that OUR FATHER did not Create our world in order to use it to test us. Imagine that too? He would say, Hey, Life is a Gift. Do you think you made it? Do you think one called "Satan" made it? Think Again! You are Living in a Gift - and it is for you to be mindful of that and thankful for that. And if you do these things, I hear him saying, you will be "delivered from evil."

So, where is the Promised Kingdom of Jesus? It is Here and it is Now (as well as “forever”) - and it is "not of this world of law," but of the “Rule of Kindness or Gentleness” – which commands forgiveness. No one can be gentle if one is constantly holding a grudge. If there is no release from judgment and grudgment, there can be no kindness. Thus, to achieve kindness, one must practice forgiveness. Makes sense, right?

The “Lord’s” Prayer

Jesus did not call his summary of his thoughts "The Lord's Prayer." He simply said that when we pray, we should pray thus. Another labeled it The Lord's Prayer; but it is not the prayer of a lord, but rather the prayer of a master, one who rules him or herself with kindness to all - which is to say, being gentle with all, including yourself. That is "likely" - or probably - the only kingdom Jesus was about. That actual summary of life - not death - went something like this:

Our Father, Who are in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come and will be done - on earth as it is in heaven (In other words, God's presence is everywhere, on earth and in and beyond the skies, understood in the time of Jesus as "the heavens"). Give us this day our daily bread (in other words, don't be greedy) and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us (in other words, forgiveness and kindness we earn only by forgiving others in order to live in a "state of forgiveness"). Lead us not into temptation (as if to say, we understand that life is not intended as a temptation, but as a gift) but deliver us from evil (to say that to do these things, life lacks evil).


From my current Twitter Tweets:

So many think that God
belongs to only some;
but we’re all God’s children
and that means God belongs to everyone.
Some believe that when they die,
they will see God face to face;
but God’s not a person with eyes and ears.
It’s simply a Presence that’s everyplace.

I am an island unto myself;
and, so, my friend, are you.
That is only to say that within myself,
I can find the truth.
That is so because
Everything is Divine;
and to look at anyone or thing
is for All Life to find.

Goodbye Again!
Happy 2nd Half of the Year!
Be In Touch!
