HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! With song to come

Sing It Out!

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Sunday, June 19, 2022
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! With song to come

Hello, Everyone!


It is not ready yet, but perhaps soon - and more than likely, soon!
I will let you know when it is out there on my website francisbessler.com
but this "father" would like to share something I have been working on for y'all,
spoken like a true southerner, like I was from 1981-2001 when I lived in Georgia.

What is it that I am offering?  In 2004, my mother died in a nursing home
in my home town of Powell, Wyoming at the age of 96 on 5/19/2004.
In June of 2004, I asked myself what I could do in her honor.
She lived her last years in a nursing home.  So it came to me that I should
do something for shut-ins like residents of nursing homes.
Then I got the idea that maybe a program of singing songs that others
could join and sing it out on their own.  I do not play an instrument.
So, it would have be acapella.  My point was that people should sing,
even if they think they can't carry a tune.  Who should care?
The point is to SPEND SOME TIME just enjoying yourself,
and singing is a wonderful way to do that.  I even wrote a song called
"Spending Some Time" for the program.

Thus, I compiled a program of my singing a bunch of songs,
some my own, but most by others - that I wanted shut-ins to chant from where they were.
I never did anything with the program - which turned out to be a 4 volume series,
but about 6 weeks ago, I "stumbled" onto that program series I called
SPENDING SOME TIME.  I had completely forgot I had done such a thing,
but there it was in my archives which I seldom review.

Having "found" it, I decided that maybe I ought to share it -
since that is what I did it for in the first place.  So, I converted the DVD files
that contain it to mp4 format, necessary to share on a digital basis.
Last week, a tech friend, Spencer, and I uploaded it to my managers
who oversee my website francisbessler.com.  Soon those managers
will add it to the video portion of my website - and whether you are a shut-in or not,
if interested, you can check it out.  How about that for a "father's day" gift?
I am not saying you will like it, but it will be available to like it - or as we used to say
on the farm - lump it.  Like it or Lump it!  Feel Welcome to do either.

With that, let me leave you with my Twitter Tweet of the day:
Some of you will like that too - and some will  lump it,
but I leave it to you.  OK?

Have a Wonderful Father's Day!  I Thank my own kids for the wonders
we have experienced.  Love You All!


Francis William Bessler (Frank, Will) and
supportive and lovely wife, Nancy Shaw

You can’t divide the Infinite

for how can you divide what has no ends?

If you think you can divide what has no middle,

tell me how it can be done, my friend.

In truth, no one can lose God

because Infinite Division is an impossible deed.

If God cannot be separated from anything,

then God must be present in thee.