To better prepare for the future, learn from past.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

I like to think of everything being beautiful, even if everything is not well.
That "not well" thing is only temporary - and I think it is good to keep that in mind as we trample through this current COVID-19 episode. Just think that for most of us, COVID-1 through COVID-18 did not amount to much. In fact, personally, I do not even know what they were. Sometime soon, there will be a COVID-20 - and then a COVID-21 and 22 and 23, etc. We are now stuck for awhile on COVID # 19, but we will get through it on our way to COVID # 20.

Of course, many of us will not survive COVID-19, but death does come to us all. I do believe it is good to keep that in mind. We will all go, be it via a COVID-19 or whatever. For one, I will try to keep that in mind as we struggle with COVID-19. That does not mean, however, that I will put my welfare ahead of communal health, so to speak. I am committed to pay attention to the rules of the health experts and refrain from communal gatherings until such time that this COVID-19 has passed. If we all do that, we can get through this crisis so much better than if we insist on "our way" - whatever that way is.

But we can learn from COVID-19 - and that's good to keep in mind too.
Because of how we deal with COVID-19, we can better prepare for
other COVID viruses too. Let us hope the future will be better
because we will have learned from a current ill that future similar ills
can be avoided if we only pay attention to what we will have learned
in the past.