Letter to Editor on November Elections
It's a Government/Anti-Government Thing!
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Letter to Editor on November Elections
Hello, Everyone!
Just to share my next letter to the editor of our local
Laramie Boomerang. I will feature it below.
Hope you are all doing well.
Next: My finale of my "October Surprise" on Halloween.
Hey, I did not start the month thinking I would be offering such,
but in retrospect, it seems I have. Stay Tuned! LOL!
In the meantime, vote if you have not already done so.
My final thoughts about that are below.
Be in touch!
Francis William Bessler -
and wife, Nancy Shaw
P.S. Nancy agrees with my editorial.
How about you?
I do believe it is good to realize how divided a country we are as we proceed with the final stages of our elections. As I see it, this election is mostly about who should be elected between candidates who believe in science and those who suspect what science tries to tell us. I suspect that President Trump has long been on the side of those who suspect science and live to disregard it in favor of being allowed to live without any regulation that science might suggest to resolve any given situation.
Two crisis events are upon us – a pandemic and a climate change issue. For the most part, those who treat the pandemic as just one of those things in which government should not be involved oppose directives of science minded health folks; and those same ones oppose government regulation of industry to deal with the climate change crisis we are facing. There are those who believe they should be elected to “protect industry” and “foil government” and those who believe that we should elect ones who want to be part of government solutions. It is mostly a government versus anti-government thing. Some believe that they should be elected to preserve industry by opposing government – and some believe we should be concerned about the economy but must not lose sight of overriding issues like dealing with a pandemic on a national level and dealing with climate change issues on that same level.
So, choose your side – and vote accordingly; but I choose dealing with the pandemic on a national – and even international – level and dealing with climate change issues on the same level. To do otherwise, I think, is to be like the ostrich that sticks its head in the sand and hopes that what it doesn’t see will not amount to anything in the end – while the world about it is falling apart at the seams. But choose your side and your view – and if you have not voted yet, please do so – while respecting those who vote differently. OK?