A Birthday Thought from THE GOSPEL OF THOMAS!
Our End - and new Beginning - Is Up To Us!
Thursday, December 3, 2020
Thursday, December 3, 2020
A Birthday Thought from THE GOSPEL OF THOMAS!
Hello, Everyone!
Today I am 79. Yesterday, I was 78;
but is there any difference between the two?
Of course not!
And for me, that is the single most important tale of life.
I am the same me today as I was yesterday -
and I will be the same me tomorrow that I am today -
unless I change the me of today.
That's life - and for me,
it is the single tale that secures me an eternity of peace.
I am at peace today - and I will be at peace tomorrow.
How easy can it be?
But will it be the same when I die?
Many think it won't be.
I Believe it will be - that is, in any significant sense.
Sure, I may be in a different place tomorrow than today -
and I may even be on a different planet or even in a different galaxy,
but wherever I go, I will be the same ole me -
based upon the evidence of my having lived this life.
No matter! I think the "real Jesus" taught the same thing
2,000 years ago. but many who doubted the tale passed on a
Jesus that offered a different tale. Even death was the same thing for Jesus
as is the tale of every day. Let me share with you verse 18 of
THE GOSPEL OF THOMAS as is declared in my book
I will offer my interpretation of that verse as found in my book too;
but feel welcome to tell me what you think too.
If you do not mind, I can add your response to a current blog
in my writings website. That is up to you.
If you want the entire book, go to my website - una-bella-vita.com -
and link to it from there - or enter "Francis Bessler" in an
Amazon search bar and fetch it from there.
Consider it a gift. That is all I intend it to be.
Have a Good One! Stay Safe - and Stay You -
unless you would prefer to be something or someone else.
That, too, is up to you - as it is up to me to decide me.
Bye for Now!
The same ole Francis today that was yesterday,
Francis William Bessler - and
wife, Nancy Shaw
Verse 18:
The disciples said to Jesus: Tell us how our end will be. Jesus said: Have you then discovered the beginning so that you inquire about the end? Blessed is he who shall stand at the beginning, and he shall know the end and he shall not taste death.
For me, Jesus is offering a tale of reincarnation here. It is to say that where the ending is, the beginning of something else is. Blessed are we if we can position ourselves at our beginning - in my opinion, birth into a body - and look forward to a repeat performance upon death - being born again. I do not know about you, but when I do just that, it leaves me with no fear of death. I know that death is only a portal to a new life. And what a wonderful notion it is too - to know that the new baby I will be will be dependent like a new child on the old me - the parent of the child to be. Yes, that would say that I am my own parent - or the parent of the child to be. Nice thought, huh?