Remembering Just Plain Dad!

On Dad's 118th Birthday!

Friday, January 31, 2025

Friday, January 31, 2025
Remembering Just Plain Dad!

Hello, Everyone!

It’s the 118th birthday of my Dear Father (Leo Peter Bessler) – or it would have been his 118th birthday if he was still alive, but Dad died about 59 years ago as the pedestrian in an auto-pedestrian mishap and may be 59 today in another journey in another incarnation, so to speak. I do believe in reincarnation mostly because I believe in incarnation. If I chose to incarnate this time, when I die, it is likely I will incarnate again. That is how I see it. So, Dad may be as old as 59 again as he was when he passed last time on July 7th, 1966. Or he may have been born again and died again. It is hard to say.

In any case, Dad is alive and still living as a soul within a body somewhere – here on Earth or perhaps in another galaxy entirely. That I believe. It is worth pondering the whole notion of reincarnation because – at least in part – it explains why we are as we are. Why do some trend in one way and others trend in another way? Why do some of us insist on patrolling and controlling others as if it is in their nature to do so? Why do some of us insist on being independent and encourage others to be independent? Why? In large part, I think the answer is that each of us simply inherits how we dealt with life in a previous carnation – or incarnation; but it up to each of us to choose how we want to live now – and probably will continue that course after this life. It may be as simple as that. Perhaps, Huh? Just living on to continue a state of mind – or soul.

Why did my Dear Dad choose to be the quiet one he was during his life? Because that is probably how he lived before. Dear Dad simply continued on in this life as he was in a last life – a quiet one who cared a lot to raise a family like his Jesus would have him raise a family. Dad & Mom had 8 kids (of which I am the 7th) who were taught to love life as a gift; and both Mom & Dad will likely resume that teaching in their next life – and both may have already raised another family – though Mom (Clara Elizabeth Bessler) passed at the age of 96 from heart failure in 2004 and Dad passed at the age of 59 in 1966. Still, Mom could be about 21 in her next life; and Dad could be 59 – the same age he was when he passed a last time.

Why do I speculate as I am doing now? Because it reminds me of what is probably true – we all inherit what we were in a last life. Who knows? Dad may be a reincarnation in my oldest daughter, Anita, who was born on May 23rd, 1970 - or in my youngest daughter, Melissa, who was born on October 12th, 1978. I could be their dad as they were once my dad. Perhaps, Huh?

In any case, Anita & Melissa will always be my equal and I will always be their equal. I may be their dad now as perhaps they were my dad – or mother – before; but the important thing to realize is that we are all the same and not one of us deserves to be treated otherwise. Dad will continue to be my dad and I will always be his dad too. That is the wonderful declaration of life. Like Jesus says in the wonderful Gospel of Thomas, Verse 3 – you are a son of the Living Father, as everyone is, and if you do not know that, you are in poverty and are poverty. We are all “sons of Life.” We come and we go – but not much changes in our coming and going; and it is good to realize that – as I think my current Mom & Dad did – and probably still do.

Let me leave you with my current source of my Twitter tweets of the day. On Twitter, I can only feature up to about 60 words per tweet, and thereby only a verse, but I will supply below the entire song which is being featured in a single verse at a time in my Twitter tweets. I am featuring a tweet a day on Twitter now because a good friend by a first name of Laora encouraged me to do so – before Twitter was bought by one Elon Musk who sees life a lot more different than I do – or Dad or Mom did - and probably do. Elon – and his cohurt, Trump - like to command others. I do not. To each, his or her own! Right? I will leave it at that.

All My Love, Gently,
Francis William Bessler (Frank/Will) - a son and a dad

The Real World
Francis William Bessler
Laramie, Wyoming

Welcome to the real world.
Please do not be shy.
You belong to the real world
and you really are Divine.
God is not apart from you
anymore than God’s apart from me.
So, let us rejoice in what we are
and enjoy our Divinity.

Everything’s Divine
including all the birds of the air.
So, let’s be like all the birds
and find our lives are fair.

Look at what you see
and wonder about it with awe;
and you will find what you wonder about
is a reflection of our God.

Our bodies are like temples
in which our souls roam about.
It’s best to know our bodies
as hosts of which we’re proud.

Life is like a garden
to which we all belong.
Our diversity should please us
and urge us to sing this song.

I’m sorry some are mean,
but I pledge to be kind.
Feel free to welcome me
as it comes to your mind.

I welcome you to join me
as freely as you will;
and hopefully, you will know
some moments that fulfill.

Repeat this earlier verse up to 4 times:

Life is like a garden
to which we all belong.
Our diversity should please us
and urge us to sing this song.

Refrain (several times).