Let us move to prevent pardon abuse
Saturday, June 16, 2018
To Representative Liz Cheney, and Senators, MikeEnzi and John Barrasso - of my current state of Wyoming. Please submit abill to your various houses of Congress that would state that PresidentialPardons can only be offered to convicted felons prior to a presidentialterm. The reason for that should be obvious. Presidential pardonsshould be only to pardon those who may have been convicted of a crime prior toa president's term in office - not be used to try and influence outcomes duringa presidential term. Otherwise, a president could promise - or suggest apromise - to pardon one who might be convicted during a Presidential term thatmay very well relate to the President himself.
I am writing to my Congressional Senators andRepresentive through this Letter to The Editor of our local paper, The LaramieBoomerang, because I am hoping they will read this suggestion and followthrough with it.
In my opinion, it is ABSURD that a law such as I amoffering should even have to be considered, but it seems our current presidentseems to stretch himself outside of the spirit of privileges like the privilegeof being able to pardon a convicted criminal for time served for convictedbehavior. Presidential pardons were never intended to try and influencepotential criminal convictions before a criminal conviction. To use sucha privilege to either encourage or discourage future testimony is OUTRAGEOUSand should never be allowed. If passing a law to clarify the"spirit of law" is necessary, then this is to encourage the passageof such a law. Please, Representative Liz Cheney and Senators Enzi andBarrasso, clarify the proper use of Presidential Pardons - by law if necessary- so that those who might use or misuse them - in the present or the future -will know their intent. OK? Thanks!
From: Francis William Bessler
4500 Meadowlark Lane
Laramie, Wyoming 82070
To: Representative Liz Cheney, Senators Enzi & Barrasso
For your convenience, I am sharing a letter to theeditor to the Laramie Boomerang
I submitted today. Please take it into your consideration; and reply as you wish. OK?
Thanks! Gently, Francis William Bessler