Considering Alternatives to Gas & Coal

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Hello, Everyone!

My previous Letter to the Editor was not printed in our local paper, The Laramie Boomerang, even though I was informed it would print.  Guess something came into play that prevented it.

No matter. I am at it again - and am sharing my latest with you below. Read it only if it seems worth your time.  OK?  As always, I am never sure a submission will print; but it is always worth a try.  Right?

Soon, Melissa, my youngest daughter, will be giving birth to a daughter. The name has already been chosen - Amelia Francis Bell.  Jeff Bell is the father - and I must add, one we like very much.  Congratulations, Melissa & Jeff - parents in waiting!

Be in touch as you wish! Enjoy my Letter to the Editor as you can.

Bye for Now!


Francis William Bessler and wife, Nancy Shaw


When I was a kid, back in the ‘40s and ‘50s, we used to cross our fingers if we were doing something we thought was right, but there was a chance we could be wrong.  That was only a way to emphasize that I thought I was right; however to block out the possibility I might be wrong, I'd close my eyes as if to block out being wrong.  I am sure many have done the same thing.  Have you?

Well, that is how I see the coal and oil industries – upon which society
has depended for so long. They suspect full well that realistically
they are unsafely polluting the air, and possibly disturbing climate making factors, but the alternative of not surviving as industries is simply too much to handle.  So they "cross their fingers" to express a hope they are right and close their eyes to block out the possibility they may not be right.  And then, it is full steam ahead - as if what they are doing is not impacting climate change at all.

Thankfully, however, some alternatives are at hand. If we had
to fully depend on gas to empower our cars and coal to empower
our electricity, perhaps we would have no recourse but to continue
to depend on coal and gas industries for our needs, but thanks to
alternatives like battery, solar, and wind related industries and products, we can become less dependent upon coal and gas industries - and in my opinion - should.

Can we really continue crossing our fingers and closing our eyes and hoping we are not wrong as world wide storms - possibly enhanced by what humans are putting into the atmosphere - continue to blast us into various oblivions - or can we at least lessen our chances of demise by easing up on polluting and disturbing our air waves?  Each of us, perhaps, should be asking - what can I do to lessen pollution if pollution is really an unacceptable risk?  I will be thinking about it.  How about you?