Be Simple - Like Me!
Monday, February 14, 2022
Monday, February 14, 2022
Hello, Everyone!
Nancy and I would like to wish you all a very Happy Valentine's Day!
We are doing alright - and hope you are too.
Nancy is still slow and probably will be for the rest of her days,
but I am pleased with how well she seems to be doing.
I hope I am doing as well when I am 89 too;
and I just turned 80. So I have a ways to go. LOL!
Be in touch and come and see us when you can.
We probably won't travel much ourselves
for not wanting to risk Nancy's good health,
but you all can come and be with us.
The door is partly open for me to travel, though.
I will not leave Nancy alone for the sake of her health,
but I am open to travelling alone to visit with family
if I know another is at hand for Nancy. OK?
Let me leave you with my Twitter Tweet of the day.
Feel welcome to check out my tweet of the day on Twitter
as you can and choose. OK?
I will follow that with my Twitter Tweet of tomorrow and Wednesday.
Enjoy as you wish - and can. Alright?
I realize I think a lot simpler than most in that I
believe an Infinite Holy God must be IN all things,
making all things HOLY. That does not allow much room
for conflict. Does it? But to each, his or her own.
Love You All!
Simple Francis William Bessler and
Dear Supportive Wife, Nancy Shaw
For Today:
When we act like
we are better than a world
that surrounds,
that leads to a lack of empathy
and illness of mind
does confine and abound.
For more, See
una-bella-vita.com & francisbessler.com.
For Tomorrow:
I also believe it is sad
that we fail to realize
that all must be Divine
simply because an Infinite God
in all must reside.
For Wednesday:
It cannot be that God
blesses some
and leaves others in a lurch
when, in truth, God must BE in All
and All must Be
For more, See
una-bella-vita.com & francisbessler.com.