Thoughts From IT'S A NEW DAY - Part 1 of 2

Be Logical To Get It Right!

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Sunday, November 15, 2020
Thoughts From IT'S A NEW DAY - Part 1 of 2


Hello, Everyone!

       Having left a copy of my book, IT’S A NEW DAY, with the staff of The Medical Center of the Rockies last Sunday when we were there for Nancy to have a mitral-clip procedure to “open up her heart,” I am choosing to share a bit of that one with my lists. See below. My intention is to feature parts of the last two chapters of that book – one with this letter and another with a letter a week from now. OK?
       Keep in mind, my intent is only to share my perspective – or perspectives – on the issues I will be featuring. To get the entire chapter – and chapters – you will need to either order the book or ask Nancy and I to provide a copy for you. As I offered before, ask and you will receive. OK? To order, simply put my name, Francis Bessler, in an Amazon search bar and search away – or access a work from a link within my writings website –
       Today’s feature is part of a chapter I called STATE OF GRACE. In general, I believe we are all within a “state of grace” because we are all “within God.” I realize most of my family and friends do not agree with that notion because most put God “outside” of us; but for me, logic says otherwise. I try to live my life in a logical fashion – or according to logic. For me, it is only “logical” to believe there is Infinity and it is only “logical” to believe that infinity extends to everywhere – making everywhere sacred.
       I won’t go into it anymore than that. The feature below does not tell all anymore than this letter does, but suffice it to say, both are attempts to share personal opinion. That’s all! I have never written to impose my beliefs on others – but rather simply to share them. Enjoy those thoughts as you choose. OK?
       For what it’s worth, next Sunday – the 22nd – will be Nancy’s 88th birthday. I will be celebrating that by sharing more of my opinions because I know that is what Nancy wants me to do. So, until next week -and a finale from my book IT’S A NEW DAY - have a good one. Stay safe from COVID-19 by being careful and wearing masks when you go out – like we try to do. Alright?
       Being careful is a wise move, for sure, though it won’t assure safety. Still, it just makes sense to be careful. Even so, Nancy’s sister, Dottie, and brother-in-law, Don, who pride themselves on being careful, still caught the virus. Dottie was having some symptoms and chose to be tested. Though Don was asymptomatic, he tested too – and both tested positive. Goes to show, being careful may not be enough, but it sure is much wiser than not being careful. Right?
       Partly because of Dottie & Don testing positive, Nancy and I submitted to some tests on Friday; however, neither of us believe we have a problem. Still, we might – and it is better to know what’s what in order to protect others by staying home if we do have a virus. Don’t you agree? We should know by Monday (tomorrow) the results of our tests; and I will let you know with my next letter next Sunday our results. OK?


Bye for Now!

Be in touch!

As Nancy would say, Love To You All!


Francis William Bessler –
And wife, Nancy Shaw

(Ending Section Thereof)
Francis William Bessler
Laramie, Wyoming
July 31st, 2006

Following The
Right Adam & Eve

       I started this essay with a section called: Following the Wrong Adam & Eve. It is only right, then, to finish with a section urging the right Adam and Eve. The wrong Adam and Eve were those – and are those – who insist that Paradise is lost, who insist that mankind has the capability of rebuking God, who insist that there is always a greater heaven someplace else than right where we stand, who insist that rivalry and conflict are as naturally human as breathing air and drinking water.
       Who is the right Adam? I am. Who is the right Eve? You are – if you throw off the insisted conflicts of civilization – not humanity – and embrace yourself as perfect as you are – warts and all.
Perfection is not perfect symmetry because there is probably no such thing. Nature is not about perfect symmetry. It is about perfect growth; and perfect growth is simply taking the course of particular design.
       How did I come to be? How did my body come to be? By following some course of perfect symmetry? Of course not. If that were the case, I would be the spitting image of Mom and Dad – or at least one of them. I am not the spitting image of Mom or Dad. Like all perfect beings, I have taken my own course, having adopted many of the general traits of my parents; but I am not my parents – anymore than a child of mine is me. I argue this only to point out that perfect symmetry is not natural. All things are mutations of other things – not perfect reflections of their origins. This is to say that with mutations embraced as the “natural thing” and of the “natural order,” all things are perfect unto themselves as they are – as the individuals they are – be they so called “standard” or otherwise.

I Am Adam – An Intheist

       I am Adam in terms of I have an opportunity in my life to get me right – just as Adam did 40,000 years ago or so. The Adam of 40,000 years ago did not have the tremendous advantages I do today, however. Perhaps he had no way of getting it right because of his ignorance about the wonder and the miraculous and perfect of life; but I do have a way of getting it right because I have so many advantages the original Adam did not have.
       Perhaps my biggest advantage is my having advanced from the original Adam to think about Infinity. I doubt that the original Adam had any idea about such a concept; but then it seems that most walking the face of the Earth today pay it no mind either. In that light, the current clans of humans have not progressed at all over the originals.
       If Adam or Eve had any thought about God some 40,000 years or so ago, he or she would have likely considered him or herself an Otheist in that each would have placed God outside of them – just like billions of Modern Otheists do today. In that light, mankind seems to be marching on – backwards – holding onto the same infantile thoughts about God as may have our ancestors.
       If you are wondering about the term, Otheist, it is not in the dictionary. Call it a new word that describes one who sees or believes God to be outside of self. Most people are Otheists, I think. They believe in God – or a God – but they do not believe that God is really Infinite or Everywhere. Thus, they are theists who place God outside of themselves and can properly be called Otheistic. Are you an Otheist? I am not. I guess you could call me an Intheist in terms of I believe that God is IN all things – including me.
       How does the right Adam see God? As an Intheist - as in every single entity, not outside of each to make wars between entities inevitable. How does the right Eve see God? As an Intheist - as the very basis of herself, but as the basis of every other thing as well. The right Adam and the right Eve do not perceive differences to be imperfections; but instead know that all life is just as it should be – according to an individual in question.
       That is not to say that I should embrace all perfections as if they have to be. It is only to say that I should embrace everything as perfect and not call anything imperfect because it is different than something else. Should I encounter a virus that mutates my body from one perfect expression into another, that is not to say that I should embrace my sick condition. It is only to say that my sick condition is not an expression of imperfection. No one likes to be sick; and the ideal is that no one is sick – or gets sick – but the right Adam and the right Eve will not look at a sick one and say that one is imperfect.

Does Illness Start In The Mind?

       I think that much illness in life is due to people not being comfortable with their perfections and seeing this or that about them as an expression of imperfection. The body often obeys the mind and if the mind sees an aspect of a body as imperfect, it may, indeed, become imperfect according to the will of the master – and real sickness may develop.
       I am not claiming, however, that all disease originates from the mind, directing the body to accept dictation and become imperfect according to the master of a body. That is not so at all. Some disease is not of the mind to start. Much disease is not of the mind to start; but much does start in the mind, I think; and for the most part, that which does start in the mind originates because the master of a body considers his or her body imperfect. Well, let's just say the idea is something to consider. OK? Be of sound mind first in order to see the body as sound as well.

I Can Get It Right!

       In any case, I can get it right – even though many before me have not. I do not have to retain the accusations of imperfection that those who have preceded me have dictated. I can get it right. As one individual among billions, I can get it right. As one individual among billions, I can become a new Adam in terms of from this day forward, I can set a new table, a new course, a new direction. I do not have to insist on conflict in my life as an expression of the natural order. I do not have to sin because my parents or grandparents or great grandparents did. I can get it right.
       And we can get it right too. We do not have to deny nakedness because it may show imperfections we would rather keep hidden. We can stand straight as only a new Adam and a new Eve can do. We can face the sun, naked and perfect, and follow the dictation of a new will that follows a new mind that says that all things are perfect – including ourselves. We can fall asleep at night, knowing that in the night, all perfections are at rest – just waiting for the light of day to be known.

Adam & Eve
(A Song)
Francis William Bessler
7/24/ 2006

Let me tell you a story of Adam and Eve,
the way it was never told.
Listen to my story and then proceed
to live your life as graceful and bold.

God said to Adam, look around, my friend.
Can you see her, standing there?
Well, Adam did as he was bid
and found Eve blushing so fair.
Eve looked at Adam and said to him:
Hey, I am so glad you came.
Then God pushed Adam He made so slim
and told him to go on and play.

God said to Eve, you’re the mother of all.
From you, all will come.
I made Adam for you not to fall
but to give you many daughters and sons.
Eve looked at God and smiled bright
and told Him, thanks for my grace.
Then she took Adam and held him tight
and kissed him all over his face.

Adam said to God, this is really nice.
Wow! What an awesome home!
I am so glad you made me from your sight.
I thank you for my flesh and bones.
Then Adam said to Eve, I love you so.
It’s so nice to be in your arms.
With all my life, I intend to show
just how much I enjoy your charms.

Well, my friend, that’s how it was.
No other tale should be believed.
We should love our lives only because
We are blessed just as Adam and Eve.
Refrain (2).

       So, what are you – Atheist, Otheist, or Intheist? An Atheist does not believe in God at all. An Otheist believes in God, but places that God “outside” of individual beings, requiring those individual beings to “earn” access to Him or Her or It. An Intheist believes in God, but places that God “inside” of individual beings, as well as “outside” of them – and most importantly, believes God to be a Presence or Force or Energy from which all things come – and in which all things reside. For an Intheist, God cannot be earned because God is already in everything. One can only “earn” that which one does not already have. If all things already have God, then nothing needs to “earn” what it already has. Does it?

       So, let the debate begin. Are you Atheist, Otheist, or Intheist? It is for each to choose the kind of “theist” he or she is. I am an Intheist. How about you?
       I realize full well that many are responding with: I am none of the three. I am an "Agnostic." Alright, if you insist, you are an "Agnostic." That is to say that you do not know what is true - and so you choose to believe nothing. Personally, I doubt that anyone believes "nothing." I think we all have to believe something - even if it is we can't know what is true as an Agnostic might argue.
       In the end, if a notion appeals to you, follow that trail. As it is said so often, "go with whatever floats your boat." But enjoy the journey you choose. Make it a "new day" every day you live; and I will be doing likewise. OK?

Thanks for Listening!

Francis William Bessler
Laramie, Wyoming, U.S.A.

One Week From Today:
(Ending Section Thereof)
Francis William Bessler
Originally written 6/2/2004.