Like Jesus, We Are All "Sons" Of God!

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Hello, Everyone!

Feel Welcome to share this with any you choose. OK?

I realize it is only personal opinion, but given that admission,
I do believe we have Jesus all wrong.
I have believed that for over 40 years
and have tried to communicate it via my songs and other writings.
Why do I believe we have Jesus all wrong?
Because I think that indeed "Jesus love us" as all Christmas tales say,
but Jesus does not love us because of what he could "Do" for us,
but rather for what we "Are." We are lovable, as it were,
because we are all "sons or daughters of God."
Sadly, we have been given to believe that we are lovable
ONLY because of what Jesus may have done for us -
by dying on the cross as some sort of "sacrifice"
to show God that what God has done is really ok.
How Ridiculous we have believed - and still believe!

Nancy & I watched a movie today called "Silver Bells"
that was supposed to be a "Christmas movie,"
and it was too, but throughout that movie,
people were being told that "Jesus loves you."
That is 100% correct - or so I Believe - but it is "why" Jesus loves me
that really matters - not "that" he loves me.
Why does Jesus love me? Because I am made of God -
just as he was and is made of God. For no other reason it is so.
Jesus loves me - not for what he might have done for me -
but because as a son - or daughter or child" of God, I am lovable;
and as I am, you are too.

The really amazing lesson of Christmas for me is just that.
Jesus loves me. What does that really say?
It says that Jesus loves me as I am -
and if I should follow his direction, I should love myself
for the very same reason that Jesus loves me.
Should that not be so? Why should I believe that
Jesus loves me only for what he can do for me?
How ridiculous is that? If that were the case,
Jesus would not love me if he could not do for me.
Again, how ridiculous is that? Jesus only loves me
because he can do for me - and not for something I am?
Not the Jesus I know.

I do believe we have missed the real msg of Jesus
simply because many who told us about him
emphasized what Jesus has done for us
rather than for what we are - all lovable because
we are all of and in God.
In believing that we are only lovable
if something happens to make us lovable,
we have lived unlovable lives.
That is truly a sad tale - and it is a tale that the Jesus who loves us
would not applaud. By continuing to believe that we are not lovable
because somehow something of God can be filled with sin,
we have acted accordingly. By "hating" what we are -
supposedly because we are of sin -
we have not only hated what we are,
but believe we are somehow justified in hating everyone
because everyone is just like us - full of sin.

When will we stop believing we are full of sin?
When? When we finally realize that the "full of sin" doctrine people
have always had it wrong. We are not full of sin simply because
we are "full of God." When we finally realize that we are really
"full of God" and not "full of sin," we will finally start getting things right
by living right and praising life - not denigrating it with our
very disgusting accusations against it.

So, as we end this year of 2020 and begin another year of 2021,
let us grow out of our past and into a grand new future.
Let us us stop hating ourselves because of what we think we are
and start loving ourselves because of what we actually are.
God is not outside of us as we have believed.
Being Infinite, God must be in all of us - and that divinity in all
is what should command us to love ourselves -
and in so doing, love everyone else because it is impossible
to love oneself and hate another.
That is what the real Jesus knew and knows.
That I Believe!

So, let's go for it as we go forward in life.
Like Jesus really does love us,
let us love ourselves. OK?
If we don't love ourselves
as Jesus loved and loves us,
then we can't really claim
to love Jesus
who loved and loves us.
Can we?

Let me leave you with a song I wrote a few years ago
that tells it like I Believe it.

Have a Good One! HAPPY 2021!


All Our Love,
Francis William Bessler and
supportive wife, Nancy Shaw



Francis William Bessler

Laramie, Wyoming



I am a son of God –

and you are too.

Even if you are a girl –

we share the same truth. – for male

Even though I am a girl –

I share the same truth. – for female

For God is not a Father –

that belongs to only some.

More correctly, God’s a Mother –

that nourishes everyone.

I don’t think God’s a moral one.

It’s simply the energy for us all.

It’s up to each to choose our bonds;

but we’ll inherit what we install.


I can be kind or I can be cruel.

It doesn’t matter at all to God;

but it matters to me and I’d be a fool

to choose a path of pain to trod.


Some think God’s a person like us –

outside – to choose what he might like;

but the God I see and the God I trust

is part of all and in all is inside.


God’s not apart as we might believe,

but it’s for each of us to realize

that wherever we go

and whatever we breathe

is filled with the Divine.


Some think that there’s a Heaven to come.

Well, I’m convinced that is the truth;

but Heaven’s only knowing

we’re all God’s sons.

So, I’m in Heaven right now too.

Refrain (2).