Letter to Editor:Republicans, Dump Trump!
Republicans, Please Choose a Wiser One!
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Letter to Editor:Republicans, Dump Trump!
Francis William Bessler
4500 Meadowlark Lane
Laramie, Wyoming
Laramie Boomerang,
Letters to Editor
Please feature this letter as soon as you can.
Thanks so much!
Francis William Bessler
I have long considered Donald Trump as a rather despicable politician – mostly because he is so anti-institution minded. I won’t go into details, but the last anti-institution thing he is suggesting is absolutely TOO MUCH. What is that? That we consider delaying our November election until it is supposedly safe to hold one; but “safe” in his mind is not that an electorate be safe from the pandemic. It is that he will be “safe” from a majority who he suspects will vote against him.
But we do not have to put up with his shenanigans and worry about what he will resort to in order to get his way. Republicans can dump him before he has a chance to dirty this nation anymore than he already has. Republicans, look about your party. There are plenty of potential candidates – like Bill Weld of Massachusetts, for instance – who would give Joe Biden a tremendous race for the Presidency. You do not need to put up with this anti-institution (and anti-American) guy any longer. Dump Donald Trump – and stand behind someone who is obviously in favor of our institutions and does not do everything he can to challenge them.
I must admit that I have voted mostly for Democrats all my life – and I am 78 now – but I have voted twice for Republicans. I am mostly an Independent very much in favor of opening up our Democratic processes to all who want to run and not just to ones in a political party; but I would rather have a Republican for a President who is pro-institution than one who has steadfastly challenged our institutions every step of the way.
Republicans, you can do better – and wiser. Your Convention is only weeks away. Act Now – before it’s too late! Dump Donald Trump before it is too late and he is allowed to challenge our institutions one day more than he has – and, of course, will, if he is re-elected. Dump this “autocratic” man to save your party – and our nation. Please!