My Thoughts About God!

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Sunday, June 16, 2019

(A Free Style Poem,

but it could be a Free Style Song too)


Francis William Bessler

Laramie, Wyoming


Let me offer you some thoughts about God –
One Which I have always found dear.
We all have thoughts –
and these are only mine.
Let me make that perfectly clear.

For me,
God is not a person
in a body like that of man.
It’s only a Presence.
God is not a person
with heart and head and hands.
It’s only an Essence.

For me,
God is an Essence, a Beingness,
but not a being
that moves from place to place.
God is the Energy in All
that gives us each
a chance to have a face.

God is not a judge of that created.
It’s only the Force of and within Creation.
God is in All –
always has and always will be.
That thought should cause us jubilation.

If man is damned, he damns himself
by thinking he can lose
the Divinity he calls God.
If woman is damned, she damns herself
by acting like she is holier than clod.

Clod or dirt has as much of God
as any person or beast –
and all are made of sand.
God is in the sand as mysterious energy
that forms that which we call the land.

But be it land or sea,
God is there –
and in the air and all about.
There is no place where God is not.
For sure, about that,
we should have no doubt.

All should shout and proclaim joy
as life is blessed because God is there.
God is there and here –
in you and me –
in all that is; so, let us care.

Let us care about the life we have
and embrace it as a gift for a gift it is.
We know not how it came –
or how it will go;
but we can know it’s right
and show it with a kiss.