Be Thankful For A Miraculous Life!

Friday, January 22, 2021

Friday, January 22, 2021


Hello, Everyone!

As we begin with the Biden/Harris Administration, like we all are, I am curious as to how it will go. How will it go? That is the question.

I don’t know, but I’m hoping the negatives will diminish as time advances. Personally, I do not know why there is such stringent opposition to wearing a mask to aid in confronting the COVID-19 virus. I just do not understand why it should be an issue at all, but my guess is that many who resist pay attention to sources that I do not frequent – like Social Media platforms that are authored by the dissidents among us. Dissidents have to have something to complain about – and so wearing a mask seems to be one issue they are using to complain. In short, dissidents listen to various Social Media platforms that are authored by fellow dissidents. Then they go out and about and hold their heads high as they proclaim some complaint or other. Why not complain about having to wear a mask? It’s easy. It’s my “American” right! So, why not? My voice is important. Let it ring out!

Another issue that is totally perplexing to me is the accusation that our presidential elections in the various states last November were overcome with fraud. Now, that is another easy complaint. To get to some fellow dissident out there, just write something that implies that our elections are fraudulent. No proof is needed. Just write that someone tried to monitor some election process and was denied because of some needed protocol. Never mind that it is not realistic to allow everyone to monitor an election. In truth, more than likely, some election center took great care to assure that there was one Democrat and one Republican at hand to monitor a ballot. No, that is not enough. If “I” was denied, that is all the “proof” I need to claim the election was a fraud.

But whether it is wearing a mask or being satisfied with an election, if I am one of a state of dissidents, it is time to “cry out.” After all, what other meaning have I?

And I think that is just the point too. We have to “cry out” about something because that is our base. We are taught from the beginning that we are lacking and that we all “fall short of the Glory of God” – as Paul of Tarsus offered in one his epistles. That is the mantra of the human race – in general. We must be lacking – in general – because, according to the story in GENESIS, we have all been “separated from God.” If we are to be reunited with God, then we must appeal to God to somehow make us worthy to belong to “Him” once again.

Consider me one of the lucky ones, but I realized long time ago that it is foolish to think I can be separated from God. How can I be separated from an Infinite God that MUST be IN me to be Infinite? And how is it realistic to even think that God is a “Him” in the first place? Can you imagine an Infinite God standing there with penis and testicles hanging on? That is what being “masculine” means. How can it be? Tell me! What is God going to do with his “masculine endearments”?

I digress. What has any of that got to do with my being dissident or “unsatisfied” with life? I think it has everything to do with it. Personally, I am “satisfied” with the wonder of all life because God must be in it – and that includes me. I am first and foremost Happy with being me – not because I am greater than anyone else, but because I am the SAME as everyone; but being happy erases within me any need to be “unhappy” with the world around me. I do not need to “change the world” for me to be “successful” because I am already “successful” just being a grateful Son or Child of God.

Thus, doing some simple little thing like wearing a mask or accepting the results of an election comes easy to me. No big deal. Hey, I can enjoy wearing a mask just as much as I can find it dissatisfying for any reason. Why should I complain? Personally, I find no value in it. So, why waste my time doing it?

And what use would it be for me to accuse my Wyoming officials who officiated our election to even consider they may have done so fraudulently? Almost none of those for whom I voted won. So what? No election can really modify my worth. I do not need for a given one to be elected to have worth myself, even as I might prefer one over another.

Social Media, however, contains a lot of dissident sites that are not happy with being themselves. They have to have something to complain about to have any meaning in life. So, cry out they do; and many who want to join them follow them in their folly. They may have millions and great estates, but they are still unhappy simply because they are not satisfied with themselves.

What can I do about it? Not much perhaps, but I am part of that world called “Social Media.” Perhaps I can offer some degree of “happy thoughts” in or through my own Social Media outlet. If you are one who “wants to be unhappy” with life, then my own net site, una-bella-vita.com, is probably not for you, but if you want to hear some happy thoughts and happy ideas and not be burdened with the unhappy, then give it a shot. If it is happy you want, hear me out. If not, pass me by. OK?

Onward with 2021! Maybe by June, half of us Americans will have received the COVID-19 vaccine – and by September, all of us will have – and the kids can go back to school without concern. Hey – that is just one of my “happy thoughts” of the moment.

Thanks for Listening!


Francis William Bessler and
Supportive wife, Nancy Shaw

P.S. By the way, this letter can be found in the Blog section of una-bella-vita.com. Just consider that feature my way of staying current. Thanks! It’s entitled ONWARD WITH 2021! LIVE SATISFIED!