Hello, Everyone!
No fireworks here, but we will be thinking
INDEPENDENCE DAY at this Bessler Household.
Actually, it is a Shaw/Bessler Household
since Nancy retained her last name when
we married on 4/28/2018.
Anyway, Have a Good One -
like the Shaw's and Bessler's intend on doing.
I do not think it had anything to do with the pandemic
or this time of a pandemic,
but the kid here was hacked in June.
Ouch! Almost all of my PC files have been "corrupted"
and as such, are unavailable to me.
I sure do not like that, but I figure I will use the event
to do something I would not have done otherwise.
Before my hacking - or being hacked -
I had planned to add two more DVD albums to my
previous 7 albums I am making available via Amazon
and an outfit called Media On Demand.
In looking at my 4 DVD album I called
I decided I should make volume 1 of that series
available as a single - and let people go from there.
Call it an "Introduction" - though it is only going to be
a repeat of Volume 1 of that series.
Along the same line, in looking at my 4 DVD album called
THE MASTERY SERIES, I decided that maybe a volume of that one should be made available too
and if people like that one, they can order the whole set.
So, I decided to provide Volume 4 of that series
as a single I am calling THE WAY IT SHOULD BE.
Both "new" single volumes are now in process.
Hopefully by the end of July, I can have them done.
Then I was hacked. About a third of my pictures files were
made totally un-accessible, about a third were deleted,
and the last third was somehow exploded so that
I can't send any of them onward - via email attachment.
Thus I decided that maybe I ought to capture all the pictures I can that are only half-corrupted, put them into a separate DVD Pictorial and then delete all of my pictures and start over.
Thus, it is now my plan to add one final DVD album to my set of available DVD albums - and call it quits.
I am calling that one TIME TO PAUSE - mostly because
being hacked has moved me to do just that - Pause -
and maybe take inventory. Even though I have dubbed
my music of the '80s onto all of my other DVD productions,
I will do one final dubbing with this final production -
We will see how it goes. Wish me luck, if you want!
But isn't it kinda funny? TIME TO PAUSE would have never happened - if it still does - if I had not been hacked and provided an excuse - if you want to call it that - to do just a little more on behalf of my attempt to share my views with the world. I sure did not expect to be hacked -
and I sure did not expect another DVD production would likely happen because of it.
Be that as it may, as we "pause," we wish you all a
We have so much to be thankful for -
or is it that, we have so much for which to be thankful?
Either way, it is to say - BE GRATEFUL for the
Many Blessing of Life! Right?
Be in touch!
And Thanks for Listening!
Francis William Bessler and
lovely wife, Nancy Shaw