A Christmas Time, 2018, Letter/I'M DONE!

Ending one year/Beginning another!

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Saturday, December 8, 2018
A Christmas Time, 2018, Letter/I'M DONE!


Hello, Everyone – from Nancy Shaw & Francis William (Will, Frank) Bessler!

Happy Christmas Season – and
Happy New Year!!!

Yesterday, I completed my book of songs; and today, I received the following message from my publisher:

Congratulations, the paperback edition of your book "Songs By A Divine Naturist (Christian): Joyful Happy Sounds II" is live in the Amazon Store. It is available for readers to purchase here.

I will be working to allow that book to be available as a digital book on Kindle too, but for now, it looks like it is available by paperback, however, I was told later in that email that I need to allow up to a week for processing to be finished. Thus, expect my book to not be available “now” as the message says, but maybe in a week.

In any case, I think it is a good way to end a year – and start a new one. The book of mention is intended to be my last. I know I have claimed that before, but this time I do believe I’M DONE, so to speak!
It may be true that I am done writing, but it is not true that I am done with trying to promote what I have written. That will be my objective for the new year – to find ways – mostly via online processes – to promote my 8 books. It will be “new territory” for sure, but it might work out. If not, I will know that I have tried – and that is always “good to know.” Wish me luck, if you wish! OK?

And what is the message of my books? I will leave you with that message in one of the songs of my last book. See below. A link to that last book has not been added to my website yet, but you can always take a peek at that website and note when a link has been added – and then link away, as it were, to that book – or any of my 8 books on a rather unknown notion I call “Divine Naturism.” That is simply a notion that says that All Nature and All Existence is Divine – and thus incapable of being separated from God – given that “God” is merely another title for “The Divine.”

Until that link has been added, however, you can find any book you want by putting in my name in an Amazon search bar online – and pressing enter. Alright?

And if that is not enough for an objective for a new year, I am considering trying to make some amateur DVD productions of the past that I have done on the subject of life being worthy as it is available to the public as well. That will also be “new territory” for me; but in looking back at my past and considering that I thought it was important to produce some amateur DVDs on my subject matter of what I call “Divine Naturism,” then maybe I ought to consider putting some of them out there too – for Y’all to review and criticize or embrace as you will. Let’s just say I am thinking about it. We will see how it goes.

For what it’s worth, I have probably cam corded – or taped via a VHS camcorder – in the numbers of about 70 monolog, mostly original song oriented, type programs that I might consider sharing; but out of those 70, I am sure 40 are too personal to be acceptable – and of the remaining 30, some of them might be too personal too; but I might take a chance with some of them and see what happens. Call it an “Adventure” that may happen and may not. I may get “run out of town” for either boring a prospective audience or challenging their views of morality too much, know what I mean?

I won’t bore you with the list of programs I am considering, but at the tail end of my 8th book, I will be listing the programs I am considering in an addendum to the section at the back called BOOKS BY THE AUTHOR.

That will do it for our Christmas Message, such as it is. Nancy and I are doing just fine – even as this week we memorialized two good friends who ended their lives recently. On Wednesday, we memorialized 94 year old Edward Hiller of Laramie, who passed on Dec 1st; and earlier today, we said Goodbye to another 94 year old – Keith Birks - also of Laramie, who passed on Nov. 26th. It also comes to mind that America said Goodbye to another 94 year old this week – President George Herbert Walker Bush. How about that? Three 94 year olds passing forward at about the same time.

I do believe it is good to be mindful of others passing because, in time, we all do that. Don’t we? Edward and Keith and George are only leading the way, so to speak. As they have finished their lives and are beginning their next adventures today, we will be following tomorrow. Right?

But Thanks to our friends, Edward, Keith, and George for being here for a time – and for the Kindness of all Three. Go Forward Now and Love the Life you are Beginning – Edward, Keith, and George! Many of us will soon follow.

Thanks! Be in touch, Everyone!

Francis William Bessler
& Nancy Shaw


Francis William Bessler
Laramie, Wyoming
fourth & fifth verses added 3/9/2009
3rd verse modified slightly 12/3/2018

The following song (hymn) is based on my interpretation of the 1st of 5 verses of THE GOSPEL OF MARY (Magdalene). If it seems to offer a different Jesus, I think it does. If you want to know more about that very unknown Gospel, I am sure you can “Google” to find some works on it – including maybe one of my own. Good Luck!

It’s Christmas every day.
It’s Christmas every night
when you learn to love the truth
Jesus brought with his light.
It’s Christmas all through the year
if you live without fear.
It’s Christmas every season
if you live within reason.
It’s Christmas every day.
It’s Christmas every night
when you learn to love the wisdom
Jesus brought with his sight.

Jesus was asked about sin.
He said there’s no such thing -
except when you create it
with improper mingling.
I think mingling is sinful
if you think you need another
to make of you a child of God,
a sister or a brother.
No one needs another
for life to be sanctified.
Everything is holy
because it’s filled with the Divine.

Jesus said you become sick and die
because you love what deceives you.
You think your life is not right
and you follow after fools.
You think you cannot be a Christ
because another told you so
but a Christ is only one who knows
that life is good to know.
A Christ cannot act in shame
because a Christ knows she’s Divine
and a Christ is only one
who lives according to that light.

Jesus said we should be encouraged
by the wonder of all life.
Do not be discouraged
by loving that which causes strife.
He said, be encouraged
by the diversity in Nature
and know that you are one with that
Wonderful, Fantastic Treasure.
Whoever has ears to hear,
let it be for that one exciting
to know that all of life
should be seen as inviting.

Jesus commented about Heaven.
He said, do not be fooled
if someone claims it’s here or there
or available through a school.
Heaven is everywhere
because it’s everywhere God is.
God is in everything –
and in nothing can there be sin.
We sin when we fail
with each other to realize
that each life is holy
and filled with the Divine.

Jesus commented about law.
He said, do not establish it.
Look only for the child of humanity
within you and follow that.
Those who seek it will find it –
it’s the good news of the Kingdom.
If you think that humanity itself is sinful,
you will only find conundrum.
He said, lay down no other rule
than this that I have given.
Laws only bind and do not free.
Only to my rule, pay attention.

Finish with repeat of last of Refrain:
It’s Christmas every day.
It’s Christmas every night
when you learn to love the wisdom
Jesus brought with his sight.
It’s Christmas every day.
It’s Christmas every night
when you learn to love the wisdom
Jesus brought with his sight,
when you learn to love the wisdom
Jesus brought with his sight,
when you learn to love the wisdom
Jesus brought with his sight.

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