Thursday, July 18, 2013

Thursday, July 18, 2013




Francis William Bessler

Laramie, Wyoming



I look at life and I see only wonder - and very definitely, mystery. I do not believe life is near as complicated as we humans have made it; but there are so many, I think, who have invested their entire lives in insisting it is complicated; and the core of that complication is a belief that life must be lacking. When so many people are so sure that life is not what it should be, it is very difficult to convince them they might be wrong.

One of the reasons I think people see life as lacking is because we have redefined “Good” as “God” and simply left out an “o” in the process. I do not think it is an accident that many can’t allow “Good” in their lives because it does not give them some right to impose or supervise; and so they have conveniently redefined the real “Good” that is to make it “God” or “Godly.”

But “Godly” does not mean “Goodly” - does it? It means whatever one wants it to mean. It means mostly “authority” to many. You can’t see authority in Good, can you? So just drop out an “o,” make it God and get on with your business of commanding others to do what you want “in the name of God.”

As a kid, I was really impressed with the story in the book of GENESIS of the BIBLE that offered that God created everything and everything was “good” because God can’t make anything bad. Just as soon as the author of GENESIS told us that story, however, he took it back immediately. Why did he have Adam & Eve whom God made “good” turn around and do something “bad”?

I guess the author of GENESIS looked around and saw nothing but evil. So he could not keep with his story that all is really good because for him it wasn’t. So he wrote a story to “allow” for how it all went wrong. Sure, God made all “good” in the first place, but something happened to turn it “bad.” Very conveniently, he offered that things went sour because “man disobeyed God.”

What else could he say? He looked about and saw his fellow man assailing other men and knew he could not call that “good.” So he had to find a way to “explain” man’s bad behavior. Thus, the story of the fall of Adam and Eve from grace.

Hey, one like me probably wrote that story for looking for the way things are - or seemed to be. If I were to blame that fellow who wrote the story of GENESIS for “not knowing the truth,” then I would probably be pointing the finger right back at me - or the likes of me.

I am reminded of something my Dad used to say. He said: If you point one finger at someone else for being mistaken, be careful because at least three fingers are pointing back at you. So I do not want to dismiss what was told by the story of GENESIS as an intended falsehood because I don’t think it was, but I do want to argue that it was not true - or probably not true.

With that in mind, let us assume that I was that author of GENESIS - and point all those accusing fingers right back at me.


Why Is GENESIS Wrong?


Why Has God Been Made Male?


GENESIS suffers mostly for me because it makes God out to be a “person” - thereby setting up the possibility of being judged harshly or rewarded by a “personal God.” This God of GENESIS made all things, but stood outside of all things to “create” all that “He” created. Now when the author of GENESIS told that story, he believed God is a “person” - much like himself - and so it seemed reasonable. God makes this and God makes that, but He is outside of all that He creates. He has to be if He is a “person.” If as a person, I create something; then what I create has to be separate from myself.

But God can’t be separated from what “He” creates. Therefore, He can’t be a person. Let me explain myself more on that in a minute; but why did the author of GENESIS identify God as a “male” in the first place. What “male” that you know creates another person? Normally, it takes both male and female to generate a person. So why is it that God generates a person without the partnership of a female?

Let me offer my thoughts on why I believe that God has been assigned “male” status; and that reason is that when ancient man was trying to figure things out, he noticed that a man went into a woman and left his seed. Now what he did not know is that the female also has a seed because ancient man was ignorant of the ovary. Out of sight, out of mind. So it seemed that the “seed of man” was deposited into the female, but the female only nurtured the seed of the man - and did not and does not - supply a seed of her own.

I may be wrong, but I think it was the illusion of man supplying a seed of life without an accompanying female seed that gave the illusion that man alone “creates”; and thus for my ignorance as a long ago writer, I assigned God to be a male. And that is why as the author of GENESIS, I called God a “He.” Wouldn’t you have done the same? Indeed, appearances can be deceiving; and in this case, I think humans were deceived to believe that life comes from the male simply because it “appeared” as such to us before we realized that females have ovaries; and then it was an easy assumption that God is a male because “He” creates.


Infinity versus Personality


Earlier I offered that God can’t even be a “person” - male or female. Let me tell you why I believe that.

As I see existence, there is NO END to it. I cannot imagine an end to existence. Try as I might, if I apply my mind to thinking about it, I cannot imagine an end. That is probably because since “I” wrote as an ignorant author of GENESIS, man has come to find out that in reality there is galaxy after galaxy after galaxy in existence. No matter how far I go out and out and out and out, there is no end. The physical world is actually immense beyond human imagination to comprehend. In other words, the world must be Infinite - as an Immense Existence without end.

But “I” did not know that when I wrote the story of GENESIS. Did I? As far as I could see back then, hey, the world was not all that big. There was a sky above me, but that sky did not “seem” to go too far. Just beyond where I could see, there was dark; and so I probably assumed that “dark” means “end.”

Surprise, surprise, surprise! Dark does not mean end. Does it? But what does the illusion of an end suggest to me? It suggests that whatever God is, God is simply an “overlord” and that leads me to believe that such a God can make all things. God made the seas and God made the mountains and God made forests and all the animals and, of course, Adam & Eve. In my ignorance of seeing no end to existence, I imagined that God could be a man like me because only a man can “create” life - and I imagined that God is a person like me to do all that creating. Was it not argued in GENESIS that God made man in His own image? In truth, however, it is far more likely that man conceived God in his own image.

But why can’t God be a person within the scope of Infinity? Putting it plainly, a person is one who is limited. Infinity means “unlimited” - the exact opposite of “limited.” You tell me. How can there be a “limited person God” somehow swimming about within an Infinity that is boundless? Good trick if “He” could do it; but it can’t be done. Can it? You cannot have Infinity - that is boundless - and also have a God who is really “limited” within it. Can you? Accordingly, if there is a God at all, that God must equal Infinity - not move as an individual somehow within it.

And that is why God can’t be a person. And that is why as the “virtual author” of GENESIS, I had it wrong. God is not a person to make things. God must be that Infinity that I know must exist. How could it be otherwise?

In truth, Infinity is an amazing concept, relating it to God. If you think of God as an “individual” Which Creates all things, it is normal thinking to set God outside of all that It Creates - like a sculptor carving an image out of stone; however an individual God cannot be an individual if it is also Infinite - in terms of “being Immense.” Think about it if you dare. How can Immensity Itself also be an Individual within that Immensity? See where I am going on this?

But it is totally unlikely that the author of GENESIS knew anything at all of an Immense Universe. It is unlikely that he even speculated beyond what he could see; but we all know that there is far more beyond where we can see; and it is that beyond that we know nothing about that can make all the difference in the world.


The Real Story of Creation


What, then, is the real story of Creation? I don’t know, but I do not need to know either. Whatever it is, It far exceeds my limited intellectual capacity to understand it. That of which I am certain, however, is that Creation exists. It is obvious it exists. I am in it. Whatever it is, however, cannot be subject to a “personal God.” The wonder of that is that it removes all fear of a personal God. Anyone who tries to offer that they represent a “personal God” is acting in as much ignorance as “I” was in when I wrote the story of GENESIS. “I” was not the only one who has been ignorant, however. All who believe as I did that God is a personal entity are also wrong.

It’s ok, though, to know that God is not a person. It (not He) doesn’t have to be. Does it? Ignorance is only terrible when we realize we were ignorant, but choose to ignore our discovery of the truth as if the truth doesn’t really matter. When we find out we were wrong and still act like we were right, then that is stupidity - and no longer just ignorance.

Many do not know what I have just argued, however, and so they may remain only ignorant as they go forward - blind, as it were. But if I were to continue on as if all is the same as I once believed, knowing now that I was ignorant of the truth when I believed it, then I would be STUPID. That would not be wise, would it?


God As Light


I mentioned above that I do not know the real story of Creation, but at least I can know about some of it related to our life on Earth. This is not brain science for those of us living today, though it probably did not occur to the fellow who wrote GENESIS. It could be argued that the source of life on Earth is the Light of the Sun. I doubt that the fellow of GENESIS equated “light” with “life,” but I think it is reasonable to do so.

Where would life be without light? If the Sun were to go out, so would life on Earth - and that pretty much proves that all life on Earth is due to the “energy light” from the Sun. So, even if I do not know for sure the story of Creation in general, I can know of it as it relates to life on Earth. Life on Earth depends on the Light of the Sun. There is no way around that.

Now, a little step forward, and one can equate Infinity (or Immensity) itself with Light because without Infinity itself, there would be nothing - not even our solar system. Thus, Infinity Itself (or Immensity) can be equated also with Light.

What does that make each of us but “sons of the Light”? Right? At least our bodies are “sons of the Light.” And whatever our souls are, if they exist as individual entities, they must also exist as “sons of Infinity (or Immensity)” - and thus, too, our souls can be considered “sons of the Light.”

Well, at least that is how I see it. I may not know a lot of details about life - but I can be confident that whatever it is, it is Good; and whatever it is, it owes its source to that Good I call God. There is no sense in believing we can dismiss Good from Life by just omitting an “o” from Good and pretending that will do the trick - in terms of making life evil or lacking Good.

I admit there is evil in the world, but it is not due to a lack of Good. It is due to our believing we lack Good; but we cannot lack Good if that which is Infinite - and Immense - is necessarily IN us. Can we? And there is no way that Infinity (or Immensity) can be divided in any way to make one side good and the other side evil because Infinity (or Immensity) can have no sides. As I often argue, how can you divide something that goes on forever and has no ends? You tell me.

The author of GENESIS also had God dismissing us via Adam & Eve from the famed Garden of Eden, but keep in mind, that was based on the idea that God is a person - not a Presence. In the first place, God is not a person to relate as an individual to anything or anyone inside of Immensity - Which God Is. Forget that notion that God is “outside” of us at all because being Immense or Infinite, It can’t be. Therefore, God can’t dismiss us from Its Presence - even by some form of annihilation. Why? Because to “annihilate” us, It would have to be outside of us to do it. Since God can’t be outside of us, then we need never fear any judgment of any kind from God or by God.

It might be somewhat misleading to say, however, that “God creates” in the first place. I know that I am always claiming that God creates, but it is probably much more correct to argue that because of God, Creation happens. Remember - being Infinity or Immensity, God can’t be a person or an individual. God can only be a Presence - or Essence; and I do believe it would be much more correct to argue that because of the Presence - or Essence - that is God, Creation happens. God does not create in the sense that He (or It) fashions individuals. God creates simply by virtue of existing as some kind of Divine and Mystery Presence that allows Creation to develop, as it were. God does not “create me” as much as “God is an Allowance by which I am created.”

It is certainly obvious to anyone who observes life that a set of parents - a Mom and Dad - are the ones who “create” the body of a person. God does not create a body. A set of human parents “create” a body; however it is because God exists and because of whatever is God that Mom and Dad can provide the seeds by which a life happens. That is not to take God out of the picture of “individual” creation; it’s only to realize that Mom and Dad - and an offspring - could not happen except by virtue of an Infinite Reality we can call “God.”

In truth, all are “sons of God” because all are “because of God.” God is the “Source” of everything by virtue of being Infinite Reality. I do believe this notion is important because of the idea that many have that God can create in terms of actually generating an individual by a conscious act; but that is probably not true. God is not the “parent” of any individual, but only the Infinite Presence by which all things can be. Whatever we are as individuals, then, we can correctly be called “sons (or daughters or progeny) of God”; but none of us are special in that regard. All are equally “sons (or children) of God” because one of us cannot have more or less of God - or Infinite Presence - than another. Even a fish or a bird or a cat or a dog or a horse - or a grain of sand - is just as much a “son of God” as I am - or you are.

For sure, Creation is a Mystery. We cannot understand it. We need not understand it; but we can Love it and Appreciate it as Holy and Sacred because it must be “of God.” And that is surely something to Celebrate! Isn’t it?


Let me finish with a poem I wrote several years ago about my belief that All is Divine. Never mind fearing divisions that are not real - for Infinity (or Immensity) cannot be divided - certainly not into good and evil. Infinity (or Immensity) is ALL GOOD as I see it; and that is why this “son of the Light” knows only joy - or at least, mostly joy.


Stay tuned for the tale of another “son of the Light” in my next article - Jesus; but consider this poem a bit of an introduction to Jesus too.


Thanks! (FWB)

Song Of My Divine Naturism

(Recitation with Refrain)


Francis William Bessler

Laramie, Wyoming


Verses are to be recited - or sung - as chosen.



I’m in love with life and God as if the two are one.

I have no doubt whatever that whatever is – is God’s son.

God is the Divine – and Nature is God’s Prism.

That’s why I call my wondrous belief “Divine Naturism.”


As I watch from a window, I see a cloud go by.

I’m amazed at it all and wonder how it can all be so fine.

As I ponder the Sun and its generous sunshine,

I have no doubt in my mind that all that is – is Divine;

but It is not only life that has the spark of Divinity, you see.

Even the sand must contain the wondrous mystery.

For life itself springs from the sand – as if therein is the seed.

God is present in it all – just as It is - in you and me.



People ask me, where is God, and I answer “everywhere.”

God is not a person, but rather a Creative Presence of Infinite Care.

There is nothing that can exist that can exist on its own.

God is the wonderful principle by which all that is – is sown.

People have this idea that when they die they go to God.

But if God is in everything, then now should begin the applause.

God is not something that can only come to some of us later.

It must be something that right now every single being can savor.



And God can’t be in the business of judging me and you

because a judge has to be outside of that which is viewed;

but God is inside of all that is and therefore cannot be a judge.

That leaves it up to each of us to live without a grudge.

Judgment is only having to continue as I begin.

I am my own judge and it is for me to determine what is sin.

Virtue is only embracing that which sets my soul free.

So I choose to love all that is like all that is – is me.



I am asked many things, but one question is, do I have a soul?

I say I don’t know for sure, but it’s only smart to act like it is so.

If I do have a soul, then it can only serve as a record of me.

It is then up to me to make sure that I keep that record clean.

Assuming that I have a soul, it only makes sense that I fill that vessel

only with that I’d like to recover – and for me, that’s only the gentle.

Surely, it is to each his own, but however we fill our soul,

we will have to inherit later all that we put into our bowl.



I have but one rule that I think Jesus tried to get all to mind.

It’s really not very complicated. That single rule is – Be Kind.

Kindness is its own reward because by being kind,

 I’m always at peace.

It doesn’t matter where I go, what I do, or who or what I meet.

People tell me that you can’t be kind to those who are unkind.

They say that justice demands that they must pay the price.

But being unkind to the unkind only makes two who are fools.

No one who is wise would ever attend such a school.



Jesus tried to teach kindness to all two thousand years ago,

but the rulers of the day claimed it to be an impossible way to go.

And anyone who would ask it must be put up on the cross.

Otherwise, society at large would reap tremendous loss.

And so it has continued down through the many, many years.

Justice over kindness has shed a jillion tears.

And today, mankind still loves to go to war and fight

and find in their claimed acts of justice

that which they think is right.



The beat goes on. It cannot stop until mankind

stops punishing the kind

and allows the Heaven they want sometime later to be here in time.

When Jesus said that Heaven is at hand, he did not mean tomorrow.

If you put off until tomorrow, all you’ll gain is endless sorrow.

Heaven is something that can be ours once we come to realize

that Heaven is only being aware that everything is Divine.

Life itself can only be a mystery, but the results of it need never be.

As the twig is bent, so it will grow – and the twig that grows is only me.

Refrain (several times)..



Francis William Bessler

Atlanta, Georgia



Let me offer you some thoughts about God –

One Which I have always found dear.

We all have thoughts – and these are only mine.

Let me make that perfectly clear.


For me, God is not a person in a body like that of man.

It’s only a Presence.

God is not a person with heart and head and hands.

It’s only an Essence.


For me, God is an Essence, a Being ness,

but not a being that moves from place to place.

God is the Energy in All that gives us each

a chance to have a face.


God is not a judge of that created.

It’s only the Force of and within Creation.

God is in All – always has and always will be.

That thought should cause us jubilation.


If man is damned, he damns himself

by thinking he can lose the Divinity he calls God.

If woman is damned, she damns herself

by acting like she is holier than clod.


Clod or dirt has as much of God as any person or beast –

and all are made of sand.

God is in the sand as mysterious energy

that forms that which we call the land.


But be it land or sea, God is there –

and in the air and all about.

There is no place where God is not.

For sure, about that, we should have no doubt.


All should shout and proclaim joy

as life is blessed because God is there.

God is there and here – in you and me –

in all that is; so, let us care.


Let us care about the life we have

and embrace it as a gift for a gift it is.

We know not how it came – or how it will go;

but we can know it’s right and show it with a kiss.