Letter to Daughter, Anita
About my "blasted" writing
Friday, February 3, 2017
Friday, February 3, 2017
Letter to Daughter, Anita
Hello, My "Blasted" Daughter, Anita!
You tell me in your last letter that I tend to "blast" out my writings to everyone. I guess I do. Yeah, I do tend to write a lot; but keep in mind that writing is a form of learning for me. So, I tend to "learn in the open" a lot, know what I mean?
But that goes for you too! Your last emails show that. By your writing, you are learning too. It sure helps to put in writing what your mind is telling you. Writing things down confirms what you believe; but that does not mean that those who receive your writings are learning by what you do. Sometimes, they do; and sometimes, they don't; but I figure that by "blasting" ideas outward, at least, some benefit. I have been told that a few times. Some are very grateful I put in writing what I am pondering because they have pondered about an idea like I am too. It is one of those Jesus things - let those hear who have ears to hear - and those who can't simply turn you off. LOL!
Hey, while I have you in my "blasted" scope, let me wish my Dear Ole "Departed Wife" a very Happy 50th Anniversary! How about that? 50 years ago tomorrow - if I am not mistaken - your lovely "blasted" mother, Dee, and I hitched up on Feb 4th, 1967 - and out of that hitching, eventually you came our way! No matter, that we "unhitched" in time. We had some wonderful years. Tell that to your "unhitched blasted" mother. OK?
Have a Good One, Dear One! I will be celebrating our 50th by "blasting" out again - this time the last of that trilogy on Jesus I have written for the local Laramie Boomerang. Keep in mind, too, that everything I am "blasting" out in the Laramie Boomerang is being added as an item in my final book - IT'S A NEW DAY - to be published in late 2018 or early 2019. After that, who knows, I may "blast" no more. As for today, I am still working on my 6th "blasted" work - JESUS - ACCORDING TO THOMAS & MARY - AND ME. What a "blast" that one is! Will the world ever recover from that "blasting"? LOL!
Your "Blasted" Dad!