Friday, January 1, 2016
My New Year's Resolution - BE KIND!
Hello, Everyone,
I awoke this morning at about 2 and being awake, I asked myself, since I was also aware that Midnight had passed and I was in a new year, what should I do to start the year off right? My answer to myself: BE KIND.
So, that is my pledge - just try and be kind because being unkind - even if in the name of Justice - allows me much less peace than simple kindness. Call me selfish, but I see no advantage in living without peace. How about you?
As a matter of fact, I think one can throw out all those traditional "thou shalt not" TEN COMMANDMENTS and replace them with but one little "shalt encouragement" - Be Kind - and not only Peace would be the result, but Heaven too. Now, wouldn't that be nice? And Easy too!
Oh, by the way, a start of a year is a good time to clear the docks, so to speak. I do not want to include anyone on my email list who prefers otherwise. So, here is your annual chance to request removal. If you do not request removal, I will probably retain you, but I always reserve the right to remove any who I think I might be offending. I have no desire to offend. So if I am left with an impression that I am offending someone with my thoughts, out you will go, keeping in mind that you can always request restoration to my email list, if you should choose to do so.
On the other hand, if you know of someone who you think might appreciate being on my "friends" list, feel welcome to pass along their name and email address. I will contact them first to seek approval to add them, but if I get a green light, I will add them. OK?
Be in touch as you wish!
Francis William Bessler