Happy Valentine's Day 2019! - Part 2

Some Spiritual Songs - Part 2

Friday, February 15, 2019

Friday, February 15, 2019
Happy Valentine's Day 2019! - Part 2
Hello, Everybody!
Francis William Bessler
Laramie, Wyoming

Hello, Everybody,
it's time to smile.
Hello, Everybody,
your time's worth while.
Hello, Everybody,
know you are a mystery.
Whether you're a boy or a girl,
you're a son of Divinity.

When I look out a window
to see a tree leafed in green,
I become aware
of a greater truth that is unseen.
All that's in that lovely tree
is also found in me.
The tree & I are one
as we both share eternity.

When I look up into the sky,
I see a sun shining bright;
and I realize
that all's dependent upon the light.
All that's found upon
our wonderful, plentiful earth
depends on the light of the sun
for its very birth.

When I look out into space,
I'm sure no end can be;
and I realize that all must be
lost within Infinity.
No one can know where it ends -
anymore than where it begins.
Just be happy you're part of it all -
and to that, just say, Amen.

When I look into the future,
I see that same ole tree
that is in my present now
and shares my mystery;
and I know the tree & I
will go forward as we've done,
knowing that we are among
Life's blessed sons.
Refrain (2).

Yes, whether you're a boy or a girl,
you're a son of Divinity.
Whether you're a boy or a girl,
you're a son of Divinity.

Francis William Bessler
Laramie, Wyoming

I believe in harmony –
everything that is,
bonded together, as one, you see.
I believe that’s the way it should be,
for me.
Yes, I believe in harmony.

I don’t pretend to understand life –
from a beetle to a bee to a human being.
I look at a bird and I feel delight –
and I’m caught up within the mystery.
I wonder how a bird survives the cold
when it’s bitter freezing and the snow is deep.
Yet survival of the bird teaches me to be bold.
If it can survive, then why not me?

I think that if I could be a rose,
I’d wonder just how I came to be;
but I don’t suppose I’d ever know
anymore than I’d know if I were a tree.
I look at a dandelion – and it makes me smile
and I wonder what it’s like to be one of those;
but as I wonder, I pledge no guile
and to be grateful for the dandelion and the rose.

I see myself grazing with some deer
and running wild with some antelope.
Being part of all of that makes it clear
that none of life should be disposed.
I watch an eagle glide high overhead
and I feel like I am standing on its wings.
That eagle and I will soon be dead,
but we will both arise for another fling.

The choice is yours as the choice is mine.
It’s up to each to go their own way.
You can choose anger to make you blind
and make some an enemy that you hate.
But I choose to see all as friends.
I do not yearn to mingle with fire.
I do not need to make amends
because friendship is always my desire (attire).
Refrain (3).

Wake Up!
A rousing, fast beat Song or Hymn
Francis William Bessler
Laramie, Wyoming
6/4/2009 - 6/7/2009

Wake up, my friend.
Wake up and cry.
Wake up and know you are Divine.
Wake up and see.
Wake up and be.
Wake up and love your Divinity.

As I see it, God’s all around.
Everywhere, It can be found.
It’s inside and outside of everything;
and that should make us all want to sing.
It’s in the skies. It’s in the seas.
It’s in the birds. It’s in the trees.
It’s in our pets, just begging to be;
and, of course, my friend, It’s in you and me.

I wonder why people don’t realize
God cannot separate lives.
God must be for all to exist,
but what we do is up to each of us.
God is not a judge, rather only a source.
It’s up to each to choose a course;
but the course we choose we’ll have to keep
because the way we were will become our seed.

As I see it, my life’s a gift.
I should be aware every day I live.
To embrace my gift and to celebrate
is the purpose of me every single day.
But it’s God within that makes me proud
and urges me to shout out loud.
I’m in Heaven – won’t you come on in?
Praise the God in you and you cannot sin.

Some think they can see God face to face
when they die and go to another place;
but I wonder how that can be
if God is really only Infinity.

I urge you, friend, to look at you.
Realize you’re a miracle and you cannot lose.
Throw up your arms and exult life
to know the God Which makes you so Divine.

FINISH: (several times).

Wake up and love your Humanity!
Wake up and love your Divinity!