Remembering Dad/KNOWING CHRIST!


Monday, January 31, 2022

Monday, January 31, 2022
Remembering Dad/KNOWING CHRIST!
January 31st, 2022

Hello, Everyone!

Today would have been my Dad’s 115th birthday, but he passed forward to his next life when he was but 59. Still, on his birthday, I try to remember Dad – like I suppose most of us do of our respective dads. For many of us, our parents are really important aspects of our lives – and to forget them is to forget ourselves.

Personally, I think we choose our parents, not the other way around. I, that is my soul, chose Leo and Clara Bessler to be my parents. Why did I choose Leo and Clara? Because I was “like them” in what I considered an important way. Dad was a very simple man – and I am too. Mom was a very simple woman – and I am too. There it is – that is why I chose Leo & Clara to be my parents. So to honor them is to honor myself. Pretty simple, huh?

Of course, Dad has gone on to be another him – as I will go on to be another me when I die – as all of us will go on to be another in general. When we die, consider that we will “emerge” from a past life – and when we are born again, we will “merge” into a next life. The lesson of all that is – love who you are because you will have to inherit that one. If you do not like who you are, change yourself so that you will like the one you will be. Again, pretty simple, huh?

Dad was a very simple person – and taught all his children to be likewise – although, like I said, I think each of us were already that way – and that is why we chose Leo & Clara to be our parents – each of us in our own way. I am not like any of my seven siblings like none of them are like me in how we choose to live our lives; but we are the same in the notion that each of us should follow his or her own pattern in life.

The main lesson of my Dad – and my parents – was “be who you are.” Don’t worry about what others are. That should be their choice – but be who you are. Find delight in that. Wouldn’t the world be a Great Paradise for all if we all felt that way? Never mind commanding another to be like you. That is a recipe for chaos – and the world knows a lot of chaos because so many people think they deserve to be followed.

Sorry! I do not deserve to be followed, but I do deserve to offer an example and let others choose to follow or not; and I think that is what the real Jesus was about too – as I offer in my book, KNOWING CHRIST. That book is out there in the vast world in which we live for any who care to check it out. Go to or or either of my author websites, indicated below, or ask me for a copy; but if you want a copy, it is there for the asking. OK? I offer this on Dad’s birthday because I think he would agree.

Dad was a pedestrian standing aside a road outside of our little town of Powell, Wyoming and was a victim of a runaway truck whose driver fell asleep at the wheel in July of 1966 before I could see him again after I wrote a song with which I will leave you; but Mom told me he had tears in his eyes when he read a letter I had sent to Mom & Dad early in 1966 with that song I wrote called SMALL. I am currently featuring bits of that song in my daily Twitter Tweets; but for what it’s worth, I will leave you to the entire song below.

Bye for now! Be in touch as you choose!
Have a Good One – and BE YOURSELF!
That is what Dad Believed – and Believes - whoever and wherever he is now.


Francis William (Frank, Will) Bessler –
And Dear Supportive wife, Nancy Shaw &

Francis William Bessler
Denver, Colorado
Christmas, 1965

Reach up, reach up
and clutch the clouds.
So say the people today.
Be smart, be bright -
and break away from the crowd
and you'll find the world
on your silver lined plate.

But I want to be small
and not have to reach so high.
I want to be small
and give the world my dime.
I want to be small
and be my father's child;
for only if I'm small
will I be tall.

Be a man, be a giant -
and cut down your foe.
So say the people today.
Shoot them, smash them -
keep them off your toes;
and you will be
master of your own fate.

But I want to be small
and let the sun be my stove.
I want to be small
and enjoy the quiet of a grove.
I want to be small
and not overlook my neighbor's cries;
for only if I'm small,
will I be wise.

Be kind, be yourself -
and cling to my hands.
So does my Lord tell me.
Be truthful, be honest -
and obey my commands
and give of yourself
very generously.

So, I want to be small
and from vain ambition refrain.
I want to be small
and brilliance not feign.
I want to be small,
letting God be my fate;
for only if I'm small,
will I be great.