Two "Holidays" in One!
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Nancy turns 86 today too. So, it's HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NANCY too!
I hope to be ready to submit my latest manuscript of my SONGS BY A DIVINE NATURIST CHRISTIAN to my online publisher today, but that will take some last minute reviewing and approving. We will see how that goes. That effort has been longer than I expected because of my adding stuff that I had not planned on adding; and new additions has offset other things. I won't go into details because no one would understand them anyway. It is just something I have to go through to "get the job done." Know what I mean?
As I finish my writing of books (8 in all), however, I am considering putting out several DVD programs from camcorder programs I have done in the past about my view of life I call "Divine Naturism." That is only a tentative plan at this time, but I am considering it. Needless to say, such would be a whole new "kettle of fish," so to speak. Do I want to go through the task of doing such a thing? I am inclined to do it because I figure that if I went through all the trouble to do those programs in the first place - down through the years - perhaps I should try to make them available to the public for the messages they offer. In this terribly troubled world, who else will offer those messages that Life is Divine and Worthy as it is? It might be a pain in the whatever to make an effort to do something unusual, but everyone has their "unusual" to go through in life. That is a way of seeing it too. This is my "unusual," but it is no more discomforting than what each of us has to do on a singular basis. You do your thing - and I will do mine. Don't you agree?
If I do make the effort to share those DVD programs (up to 18 or so), however, it will end in your being able to buy - not only a book on my view of life - but an "unusual" mostly commentary DVD as well. I couldn't care less about the selling aspect of making my works available to the public, but I care a lot about the sharing aspect. I figure I owe it to the world to share what I have done - and let the world decide if any one thing is worthy of attention or not. The only reason I am considering offering DVDs, though, is because I have come to find out that my book publisher, Create Space, allows for DVD publishing too. It might be wise to look into that aspect of things and maybe take advantage of it. Again, it is something to consider.
Hey, Have a Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone! Be in touch as you wish - and once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DEAR, DEAR WIFE, NANCY!
Francis William Bessler
& Nancy Shaw