HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!/With an Offering!

Ask & You Will Receive - Again!

Monday, May 25, 2020

Monday, May 25, 2020
HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!/With an Offering!


On my walk to Burger King, this morning,
I reflected on an idea that might be going around - somewhat.
That idea is that somehow God is Behind our Pandemic.
I am sure that is the case because I once believed it.
I do not believe it any longer because I believe that
God is IN everything, be it in a virus or someone like me.
But the very idea that God is behind this or that and
somehow not behind that or this is nothing short of absurd,
as I see it now. In truth, in our abject ignorance of God,
we have imposed it as a Him who is behind all that is good -
and by allowance, all that is bad too, like a pandemic.
Poor God gets blamed for everything - when what happens
is almost strictly coincidental at most.

Be that as it may, the best way I think I can "remember"
all those who have given their lives for which they believed
is to give something myself. Recently, I completed
giving away the first 52 copies or so of my personal look at life
I call THE STORY OF LOVE - which is a DVD album of 3 volumes
I put together in 2014 using a friends & family pictorial
from 2009-2014. That album has now been made available
via an online production company called Media On Demand.
Dubbed onto that personal pictorial of admittedly only fair quality,
is an audio cassette album of 4 volumes some friends in
the Atlanta area and I put together in the 80s.

That one was called MASTER OF YOUR OWN FATE - and it is
a compilation of original song and commentary about an idea I had - and have - called "Divine Naturism." That is simply to say that which we think of as God is present in everything - and accordingly, behind nothing.
In a way, that is how I can "know" that God is not behind the
current pandemic anymore that God is behind anything.
In our abject ignorance of God, we have simply put "Him"
in a role that has everything due to "Him" when in reality,
God is not even a "He" but rather an "It" that must be IN all.

That kind of thinking has to make THE STORY OF LOVE
very controversial. I admit that. It is not something that
most Christian ministers would applaud - though some will.
Let us just say it might appeal to some - and to those
who might find it interesting - and APPEALING -
take a chance if you wish. ASK AND YOU WILL RECEIVE! ok?
If you are outside of Laramie, Wyoming where my wife, Nancy,
and I live, we can mail a copy to you. If you live near Laramie,
meet us sometime at the local Burger King -
with mask on - and we will give you a copy -
as supply at any given moment allows.
For sure, THE STORY OF LOVE is daring -
but if you dare, be our guest. Alright? If you want to know more
about the contents of THE STORY OF LOVE, check out the
description of it on Amazon.com. Just put in my name,
Francis Bessler, in the search bar and tap away.
If you want to order a copy, order away. If you want us to give
you a copy, again - ASK AND YOU WILL RECEIVE!

And that is the best way I can "remember" those who have
given their lives for which they believed on this fine
Memorial Day! Don't you agree?

All is Well with Nancy and me - as it is now.
Who knows about tomorrow with this virus thing going about,
but for now, we are alright. Hope you are too!

Be in touch as you wish!


Daring Will & Nancy