Celebrating St. Patrick's with a Surprise!
Think "green" for all is as it should be!
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Celebrating St. Patrick's with a Surprise!
Hello, Everyone!
I think it is good to keep the color green in mind as we celebrate this day.
Green, Green, It's green they say - on the far side of the hill!
Remember that song?
But let us keep in mind that what is on the far side is also on the near side.
Right? What you have, I do too - and what you have, I do too.
Life is the same no matter where it is found!
If that is not reason to Celebrate, what is?
On another note, it just so happens that I was really surprised
a few minutes ago when after a long struggle of 5 months or so,
I finally completed the steps for putting out my planned first of six
DVD albums via Amazon on my main theme of life that
all life is truly a Miracle - and that I Believe Jesus taught the same
nearly 2,000 years ago. Most of my works in life - both printed and recorded - are about that theme. I finished trying to publish printed works (10) on the matter last year; and this year is about trying to publish several (6) DVD works on the issue.
I know many will not like what I have recorded on my own anymore than
they like what I wrote on my own - but, for what it's worth,
I am glad I can offer something to someone - or ones - even if the many
think I am full of nonsense - as a dear cousin, Jim, 2 yrs older, used to say. That cousin died 10 years ago. Good ole Jim would find my attempted sharing of my thoughts useless because life for him was not the cheerful thing I see it as; but I am still here doing the best I can to say just what Jim found "nonsense."
By the way, my first of a planned six DVD albums is called
I recorded those volumes via VHS camcorder in 2002.
I did them for myself and never suspected I would share them,
but maybe St. Patrick - or the like - was there urging me on
knowing a day would come when it could all go public.
Who knows? Later, I converted my VHS works to DVD
when DVD became available.
I must say, however, that my submission of my first of six programs
is under review by Media On Demand, an Amazon company,
and may not pass that review. I am told - 10 days - for review;
and if I pass that review - after that, anyone can order an album
who wants. The key there is "who wants." Not everyone will want it;
and realistically, the many "Cousin Jims" out there will not want it.
So they do not have to order it. Do they?
Let me leave you with a song about the wonder of life as I see it
that I wrote several years ago. It's called HELLO, MY LOVE!
I will leave it at that.
Be in touch as you wish!
Francis William Bessler &
wife, Nancy ShawHELLO, MY LOVE!By
Francis William Bessler
Laramie, Wyoming
(A true story from a real walk in the park -
in Boulder, Colorado) REFRAIN:
Hello, My Love, it’s good to see you.
Hello, My Love, it’s good to be.
Hello, My Love, it’s good to know you.
Hello, My Love, let’s be free. As I was walking in a park one day,
I passed a walking lady,
holding a bundle to her chest.
Then I peeked in and saw a little baby
feeding oh so gently at her breast.
Refrain. I asked the walking lady
about the child that she held.
Smiling, she thanked me for my care.
I can’t tell you
the good feeling that I felt,
knowing that life is ours to share.
Refrain. She told me it is Lilly
when I asked the baby’s name.
Cheering, I told her that it fit.
Then we parted and went our separate ways,
giving me a memory I won’t forget.
Refrain. Repeat 1st verse – then Refrain (3).