Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Every Place Is Heaven


Francis William Bessler

March 1st - March 5th, 2013



A brief essay I call


follows this song.


Every place is Heaven;

it's just a matter of a view.

There is no God outside of life

that's not inside it too.

You cannot divide Infinity

into what's evil and what's good.

So, let everyone realize

All's one great brotherhood.


Every place is Heaven

because God is everywhere.

What makes a place a Heaven

is the Divinity that is there.

So, it stands to reason, My Friend,

if all existence is of God,

 all existence must be Heaven

and where I stand I should applaud.


Every place is Heaven.

It's so very clear to me.

Every place that I do look

all I see is Divinity.

No flower can exist on its own.

Every tree needs sunlight.

No matter where I might look

there are only miracles in sight.



Every place is Heaven

as every dog does know.

Take your doggie for a walk;

let it follow it's terrific nose.

And as you walk, be so gracious

as to let your doggie lead.

See the world as it does;

you'll see it filled with Divinity.


Every place is Heaven,

but God's neither Queen nor King.

God's not a person of sex,

rather only a Presence in everything.

Everyone belongs to God

and God belongs to everyone.

If we all really believed that,

there could be no wrong.


Every place is Heaven,

be you of generosity or of greed.

Heaven is not defined by conduct,

but by the Presence of God, indeed.

God is simply the source of life,

but not what life may do.

It is up to each of us in life

to believe and follow through.


Every place is Heaven,

but most do not see it that way.

Most see Nature as wonderful,

but do not see themselves in play.

No one is separate from Nature

no matter how much we hope it's so.

To know you are part of it all

is to be engulfed in the flow.


If Heaven is every place,

where does Hell fit in?

Hell is not a place - like Heaven.

It's when Heavenly creatures sin.

To sin is to believe in less worth

or to claim that of another.

Hell is only insisting

on a right to plunder.


If Heaven is every place,

what will happen when I die?

I suppose that if I found Heaven here,

I'll find it again next time.

But if I insisted on making life hard

for others in this life,

then it is likely I will continue

to live another life of strife.


Heaven is every place,

but it's up to each to choose.

If you insist that God is missing,

more than likely, you will lose.

Why waste life looking for Hell

when Paradise is at hand?

Open your mind and soul

and know you're in command.


Heaven is every place.

It cannot be otherwise.

How can it possibly be

that God is missing in this life?

Everyone is a Heavenly creature -

like an angel in disguise.

So, let's join in Heavenly song

and praise God for our lives.


Every place is Heaven;

it's just a matter of a view.

There is no God outside of life

that's not inside it too.

You cannot divide Infinity

into what's evil and what's good.

So, let everyone realize

All's one great brotherhood.



Beware - of Heaven Afterward!


Francis William Bessler

April 17th, 2013

       Perhaps it is worthwhile to keep in mind that "we are not alone".  That is, it is likely that we as souls within bodies are probably surrounded and enmeshed within an unseen - and for the most part - unknown world of souls without bodies.  I choose to call that world the "Paranormal World" - for being "para" or "outside" our normal world.  Keep in mind, however, that in all likelihood, each of us who are now a soul in a body will soon join that Paranormal World and become part of it - for not having a body of our own.

       Realistically, that Paranormal World could very well impact and even impose upon souls within bodies.  If it is likely that a soul can do nothing without a body, then it stands to reason that there are souls without bodies who want souls within bodies to do their bidding.  Thus, we get some souls within bodies "hearing voices" asking the souls within bodies to do some bidding of commanding souls without bodies.

       Of course, many times those souls who are without bodies who ask souls within bodies to do their bidding will present themselves as "God" or some other expected authority.  Who can stand against "God"?  Thus, it only makes sense that some paranormal souls will use God to have others do their bidding because God is recognized as a "legitimate authority". 

       I guess you could call those paranormal souls who choose to command others to use their bodies to do something or other in their name as "body snatchers".  That is really what they are - body snatchers - who choose to use others in bodies to do as they would do if they had a body.

       Of course, I am only speculating.  I am only following a course of mind that would say that "paranormal commanding" would likely occur because it is entirely likely that if souls really need bodies to act out what they need to act out, then some souls without bodies would likely use other souls who have bodies to act in their stead.

       Such "obsession" or "possession" of persons to do the bidding of "unseen spirits" is probably common in our world.  Again, it is a "probable" thing - not a de facto thing.  It is "probable" that some souls without bodies would impose themselves on others within bodies to do their bidding because it is obvious that within lives on Earth who have bodies, many persons choose to impose on others as if that is their entire purpose in life. 

       Just look about you - and you will probably note some soul in a body who seems to have no meaning unless he or she is "controlling" another.  People in bodies are constantly trying to control others in life.  So, take that a step further and you have the very likely scenario that when those people with bodies die and no longer have a body of their own, they may well try to impose themselves on others with bodies to continue to try and control things.

       Now, continuing the path of reason, what would a Paranormal Soul likely offer as a promised "reward" for obedience?  Of course, it would be some form of "Heaven Afterwards".  Right?  Thus, that is probably exactly where the idea of "Heaven Afterwards" comes from - from some paranormal souls who wish to command others and promise them some "reward" for obedience.

       Thus, the Proverbial Heaven & Hell - a given consequence by some who wish to have others "obey" them.  Obey - and its Heaven.  Disobey - and it's Hell.

       In all likelihood, however, "they" - any who wish to impose on others with bodies - are not the "God" they pretend to be.  More than likely, that "God" who is commanding you is only "Uncle Ted" or "Aunt Alice" or "Grandma" or "Grandpa".  More than likely, if you take off the "paranormal dressing" of spirits who wish to command and reveal and charge others to do as they would bid them to do, you will find an "ordinary soul" with "no extraordinary power" - except for some advantage of being able "to see from behind a curtain" and thus command others in front of that curtain.

       In my song above, I argue that "Every Place Is Heaven".  But, you see, I have nothing to gain by offering otherwise.  I do not pretend to have meaning by virtue of someone having to obey me or my having to obey someone else.  I can see Heaven Every Place because there is no reason for me to try and arrange a Heaven for some and a Hell for others.

       Someday soon, of course, I will become a "paranormal soul" - for a time until I choose to occupy another body and become another person; but in the interim, I doubt very much that I will have the least interest in trying to manipulate others to do as I bid "from behind a curtain". 

       I don't know where I will be as a paranormal soul, but given the life I am leading now, I can be almost sure that I will not be in command of anyone from behind the veil of the paranormal - nor will I  be in anyone's command.  I can be certain of that because that is the way it is with me in my current life.  I am a free soul, recognizing that every single entity in the Vast Immense Existence of God is equally worthy.  I have no reason to demand that I am more worthy than - say, a Robin in a tree - for instance.

       And who knows, I might choose to come back as a Robin.  I really don't know; but what I do know is that no one need ever fear me - in this life or a next.  No one need ever fear that I will carry a bomb in a knapsack and leave it on the side of a crowded street - to blow up others - as happened recently in Boston at the end of an annual marathon - because I was either within the command of some paranormal soul demanding that I do its bidding - or in some personal need to impose myself on others.

       I consider myself a Christian - but not a Messianic Christian in need of some outside grace to make me whole.  I am the kind of Christian who is what I call a "Holistic Christian" - or one who believes that Christ taught the equal worth of all without need of any outside grace.

       So I am not the kind of Christian who is apt to "hear voices" because I am not equipped with a "hearing aid" that can be turned on to hear any voices.  I hear "principle" - not voices - the principle of knowing that every single entity - including a Robin - is as worthy as any other entity.

       I doubt very much that it was a Christian who left a bomb in a knapsack in Boston earlier this week, but I do not doubt that it was a kind of Messianic Christian who has come to believe that Jesus stood for "outside obedience" to prove some worth.  In the end, it matters not if it turns out to be some "Messianic Christian" in need of salvation from another, some "Mad Moslem" outraged at some perceived hurt done to him, or simply some "Deranged Individual," the one who did the bomb a few days ago lacked a sense of self worth.  That guy - or gal - was looking for Heaven Some Place Else - and that is why he was blind to the Heaven At Hand - and that is why he did what he did.  He was "obeying" some voice or other that was telling him he had a right "to get even" - and his (or her) reward would be HEAVEN AFTERWARD.

       Now, wouldn't it be much better for all if we all realized the truth and treated each other like angels in possession of worth and not devils lacking worth?  Wouldn't it be much better to look out your door and notice HEAVEN NOW - and notice that lovely Robin in a tree outside your door as "one just like you"?  Who knows?  It may turn out that way.  I might just choose to be a Robin in a next life - or you might choose the same. 

       But be I Robin or a Human - or whatever - it is a pretty safe bet that it will be HEAVEN WHEREVER I AM.  How about you?


Until next time, Adieu!


Your Bella Vita host,

Will Bessler

(Francis William Bessler)