In Truth, We are all "sons of God"!

Friday, April 8, 2022

Friday, April 8, 2022
Spring/Easter, 2022

Francis William (Frank, Will) Bessler &
Dear Wife, Nancy Shaw
4500 Meadowlark Lane
Laramie, Wyoming U.S.A 82070
willieb@wyoming.com - email
una-bella-vita.com – website 1
francisbessler.com – website 2

Hello, Everyone!
Happy Spring & Easter to us all! When I think of Spring, I think of flowers. When I think of flowers, I think of “new life.” Flowers coming back to life leads me to conjecture about there will be a time that I will die – and like Jesus, “spring” back to life in some way and somewhere. It may not be here on Earth, but it will be someplace – and that notion fills me with joy – as long as I will be springing back to life in peace.

But oh how bad it will be for me and everyone else if my springing back to life came with me at war with myself and others around me. As I see it, there is only one way to assure I will be springing back to life in peace and joy – and that way is to live in this life like I want to live again in a next life. Makes sense. Right?

One thing about Jesus that fills me with hope is that he did not let death catch him as a warrior. He could have struck out at the forces that condemned him to death, but if he had and died a “warrior’s” death, he would have likely sprung back into life full of hate. That is entirely reasonable. Is it not – given our experience with how it normally goes in life? Do we not just continue in another day the way we chose to exit a previous day?

Thus a lesson of Easter for me is to assure I will “spring” back into my next life in peace and not war. Like Jesus offered, if someone hits me on a left cheek, I should turn to him or her my right cheek in order to not get caught up with his or her way of living life. Death does not end it all. I should keep that in mind to assure I start out tomorrow or a next life with a disposition in peace and not conflict or war. Thank you, Friend Jesus, not Lord Jesus, for leading the way. I sure hope I listen to your example. In truth, Jesus can’t save anyone who does not choose to save themselves by imitating the lead and example of Jesus. Everyone is worthy being born of a Holy & Worthy God. I Believe that is what Jesus came to tell us. When will we ever learn?

About Jesus, my 9th book – KNOWING CHRIST – is all about my vision of the man; but be advised it’s based largely on the Gospels of Apostles, Thomas & Mary Magdalene, banned by early Christian bishops by the 4th Century. I see Christ more as a general humanitarian moralist than as the traditionalist savior or messiah. I Believe Christ came to tell us we are all “sons of the Living Father” and if we know that, we will know ourselves and live in peace. If we fail to see ourselves – and everyone else – in that light, we live in a spiritual poverty. Just look at the current Russian invasion of Ukraine and notice how one set of Christians believe another set is inferior – and you can see how perceived inequality leads to war, not peace.

Here is the 3rd verse of THE GOSPEL OF THOMAS, declaring much of my belief that Jesus came to teach that we are all “sons of the Living Father” and such belief is the basis of what can be called Heaven.

Verse 3 (of 114):
Jesus said: If those who lead you say to you: “See, the Kingdom is in heaven”, then the birds of the heaven will precede you. If they say to you: “It is in the sea,” then the fish will precede you. But the Kingdom is within you and it is without you. If you (will) know yourselves, then you will be known and you will know that you are the sons of the Living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you are in poverty and you are poverty.

And here is a verse declaring that Heaven is here & now – as long as we live it with a disposition of peace.

Verse 113:
His disciples said to Him: When will the Kingdom come? <Jesus said>: It will not come by expectation; they will not say: “See, here”, or “See, there”. But the Kingdom of the Father is spread upon the earth and men do not see it.

I offered a copy of that one – KNOWING CHRIST - around my Dad’s birthday in January, but let me repeat the offer around Mom’s birthday in April. Ask and you will receive, though you can order a copy via my websites too. Suit yourself if interested. OK? If you want a bit of a narrative about that book or any of my 10 Divine Naturist Christian books, just tap into one of my websites. Alright? Thanks!

On another front, Nancy and I are doing ok, though we both suffer a little from this or that – including some bouts with dementia. LOL! At 89, Nancy has some ongoing heart and lung problems, allowing her to tire easily – and the 80 yr old kid here just broke a left arm shoulder bone by slipping on ice in the neighborhood. Ouch? When that happened on Feb 16th, it hurt like hell, but it is much better now. The jury is still out on potential surgery to replace the broken bone, but for now, I will be going thru therapy, starting next Wednesday. We will see how that goes, but overall, I am getting better, Hooray!

On March 27th, my brother, Bob, turned 79. On April 5th, my latest granddaughter, Amelia Francis Bell, turned 3. On April 11th, Nancy’s Dad, Fred, would have turned 114, tho he died in 1980 at the age of 72. On April 12th, my Mom, Clara, would have turned 114 too, tho she died at the age of 96 in 2004. Mom & Dad were married too on April 12th, 1928. So, Happy Anniversary to Mom & Dad! On April 22nd, my brother, Paul, will turn 84. My brother-in-law, John, will turn 89 on April 25. And Nancy & I will be celebrating just our 4th wedding anniversary on April 28th. Hey, some people start late, but Happy 4th to Nancy & me! To those I have missed, Sorry, but our hearts are with you!

Let me leave you with a song I wrote way back in 1969 or so called BLUE. My song references a broken bone, Given my fall at age of 80 on Feb 16, I now have had the experience. Life goes on! If it doesn’t happen today, it might tomorrow. Who knows?

Love to All! Be sure and check out my daily Twitter tweet if you can – and check out my offering on my websites as it pleases you. Come and see us when you can! With a broken arm, I don’t clean up like I did, but what the heck. At least, overall, we can’t complain. How about you?
Here is a recent tweet.

I am a son of God –
and you are too.
Even if you are a girl –
we share the same truth.
For God is not a Father –
that belongs to only some.
More correctly, God’s a Mother –
that nourishes everyone.
For more, See
una-bella-vita.com & francisbessler.com.

Here is a following tweet.

God’s not apart as we might believe,
but it’s for each of us to realize
that wherever we go
and whatever we breathe
is filled with the Divine.

Some think that there’s a Heaven to come.
Well, I’m convinced that is the truth;
but Heaven’s only knowing
we’re all God’s sons.
So, I’m in Heaven right now too.

Francis William Bessler
Denver, Colorado

May your day be blue
and not covered in a shroud -
the blue of the sunshine -
not the blue of a cloud.

There is a term that's thrown all around.
It tells of sadness and sorrow.
Broken bones and loves are told by the sound;
and there's tears because of tomorrow.

I'm so blue, the sayin goes;
I wish that I could die.
The trouble I've seen no one knows;
I'm so lonesome that I cry.

That is not what I mean
when I say I'm so blue.
No one knows the joys I have seen;
and it's joy I wish upon you.
Refrain (several times).