Letter to Editor: WHY IMPEACH TRUMP?
Fraud to get elected should not be allowed
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Letter to Editor: WHY IMPEACH TRUMP?
Hello All!
I hesitate to share another email so soon after sharing one
just yesterday, but neither do I choose to delay a current
submission to our local paper: The Laramie Boomerang.
So, I will pass this along in case of interest. OK? As usual,
of course, the Boomerang may print my submission -
or as it often does - bypass it for whatever reason.
Letters to the Editor in the Boomerang must not exceed
350 words. So that limits one's arguments for any
particular submission.
By the way, I have decided that "my" blog within my
writings website should be "our" blog if you want it that way.
Currently, I am having a bit of a problem adding anything
myself to my blog, but soon, I hope, my website managers
will resolve that problem - and I will again be able to
update that blog. If anyone wants to comment on this blog,
and you do not mind my "publishing" your comments in
my blog, let me know. Alright? If you do agree that I
publish your comments, let me know how you want to be
identified - by first name only or full name?
Good Luck!
Francis William Bessler
Laramie, Wyoming
I am one of those who believe that Congress should impeach our President Trump. My many Republican friends ask me why. Here is my answer.
I do not believe one who attained his or her office fraudulently should be retained in office – once that fraud has been unearthed, so to speak. Perhaps it is a minor issue for some who may have realized someone has attained an office by virtue of fraud, but, for me, it is a major issue. It is not that I have anything against Donald Trump personally – and if he would come visiting, I would not only invite him in, but I would invite him to dinner as well.
But I do not believe people should be retained in office who have attained that office by keeping matters about themselves hidden that would have probably otherwise kept them from being elected.
What did Donald Trump keep hidden? Three things – not just one. He kept hidden his extra-marital affairs with a Playmate and a Porn star. Some say we all knew of his sexual prowess, but we voted for him anyway. I doubt that very much.
Number two, he kept hidden his tax history. Why? Logically, one does not want an electorate to know he “may have cheated” on his duty to pay income tax. Maybe Trump did not cheat, but by keeping his tax history to himself, it is likely he had a reason to keep it to himself.
And third, it is likely that Donald Trump kept his attempt to allow for a Trump Tower to be built in Moscow hidden because if that had been exposed, many voters would have not voted for him. Why? Because personal interest in a foreign country may have driven him to gain office in the first place – not only to profit from personal investment in that foreign country (Russia? North Korea? Saudi Arabia? Etc.) – but in office, to prioritize personal foreign interest (interests?) over national interests.
Now, why in the world should we allow that? My many Republican friends, tell me that!