Sunday, September 20, 2020
Hello, Everyone!
Just readied for mail a copy of my first book - WILD FLOWERS -
published in 2014 - for my 92 year old cousin, Mary Ann.
I have offered to do the same for anyone who may want a book or DVD
that is on my email lists, but so far, Dear Mary Ann, is the only one
to request anything. If interested, simply put my name, Francis Bessler,
in an Amazon search bar and request what you wish, but only one per
request. OK? Thanks!
About that, Mary Ann is of the old school of thinking that
God is a person and not a presence. She is not likely to like
a lot of what is in WILD FLOWERS because much of it contests
the notion that God can favor some and judge others into perdition.
I do believe we humans have been missing the boat on just what God is
since the very beginning. Mary Ann is convinced she is going to see God
"face to face" when she dies and is rewarded for saluting her God
during her life, but I doubt she will - simply because God cannot be a person
if God is truly Infinite. I am perplexed that we humans have not figured that out
and still carry on like one of us can be favored while another of us is damned.
In my mind, it is ABSOLUTELY CRAZY to think God can favor one over another.
Be that as it may, consider that you all can be my guest and request anything I have done
or order on your own. OK? I prefer you order on your own, but if you choose to do as Mary Ann has done, be my guest.
One of my "contributions" in WILD FLOWERS is a 3 part series I called
THE BIRTH OF THE BIBLE. It is a truly amazing story - and one that almost no one knows,
as far as I am concerned. I wonder why Hollywood has never produced a movie on the matter, but to my awareness, no such movie has ever been produced. Why?
Well, until one is produced, you can read my view of it in my book WILD FLOWERS,
which series ends with the song I am attaching at the end - IF I COULD TALK WITH GOD.
Enjoy it as you can - and will. OK?
Can you believe we have marched right past the 200,000 death march related to
those who have died from COVID-19? I remember back in late Winter when
I heard of death # 1 - and was aghast at that; and now we have passed the
200,000 mark and we act like there is "nothing more we could have done."
Personally, I think that Trump may not have wanted COVID-19 when it started,
but once he knew it would be an advantage for him, election wise, he
decided to "let em die" simply because most who would die would likely
be those who would be voting against him in November because they would be
the most vulnerable, health wise. It is like - dead people can't vote. So, let's act like we "can't do anything about it" and let em die. I may be wrong on that, but if President Trump is saddened by any of the 200,000 deaths, he doesn't show it. Does he?
And those of you who are still voting for him ought to ask - Why are you standing up for
one who has blatantly allowed for the death of many? If it were your mother or father
or sister or brother, would it still be alright? CRAZY!
I will leave you with my song - IF I COULD TALK WITH GOD.
I offer what I would say if I talked with God.
Feel welcome to tell me what you would say if you talked with God.
Francis William Bessler
and wife, Nancy Shaw
Francis William Bessler
Laramie, Wyoming
If God would speak to me –
I think that it would be
that I would hear exactly –
what I want to believe.
If I believe that God is just –
and will punish those I oppose,
then that’s what I will hear –
and what I will suppose.
If I believe that God is good –
and belongs to everyone,
then that’s what I will hear –
that everyone’s God’s son.
If God would speak to me –
I think that it would be
that I would hear exactly –
what I want to believe.
If I could talk with God,
I think that He would say:
My son, I’m within you.
Be aware of that when you pray.
He’d say: My Presence must be mystery
because the Infinite is not for you to understand;
but that Presence is your Divinity;
and that’s to say, I’m holding your hand.
If I could talk with God,
I think that He would say:
Because everything is equal in My Sight,
nothing can be favored in any way.
He’d say: Look at anything, My child
and be impressed with all the majesty
that you see all the while
and know that it’s all of My Divinity.
If I could talk with God,
I think that He would say:
My son, I am with you
every night and day;
but I am not only with you –
I’m with everyone.
Since I am Infinite, I’m in All –
and everyone (everything) is My son.
If I could talk with God,
I think that He would say:
If you doubt that I am Infinite,
just look out into space.
If you can find where it all ends,
then it is for you not to believe;
but if you can’t find an end, My friend,
be careful not to be deceived.
If I could talk with God,
I think that He would say:
Don’t be fooled when others claim
that Heaven is in another place.
He’d say: Heaven is only knowing
that where you are, I am;
and if you can find where I am not,
then Heaven there is not at hand.
If I could talk with God,
I think that He would say:
Because I am in you, My child,
you should not be ashamed.
I think He’d say that everything
in that which we call Creation
is blessed of Him because He’s there;
and that should cause in us, elation.
If I could talk with God,
I think that He would say:
Be not confused, My child.
Just be glad when you pray.
Say thanks for the life you have
because it’s generous beyond expression.
I hear Him saying, if you do that,
then you will always be in Heaven.