Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Brother Francis
William Bessler
I must admit that growing up, I was led to believe that Jesus lived to be my “Lord,” but I have grown up to realize that for me, that is no longer the case. I was taught wrong. Most of us are taught wrong; however, I think, many of us never believe we were “taught wrong.” For many, if they were taught that Jesus wants to be seen as a “lord,” so be it. They will continue as they were taught and bow down to an imaginary hero they call “Jesus,” really believing they were taught right.
But if I were to meet Jesus today, I am 99 % sure I would not meet a “lord,” but rather a “brother.” Likewise, if I were to meet my lovely former wife, Nancy, I would not be meeting a wife, but rather a “sister.” Why do I claim that? Because I see all humans as equal. If that is so, how could I possibly rate Jesus as above me as a “lord” and rate my Dear Nancy as other than a “sister”?
And what would Jesus and Nancy want to see if they were to meet me? I have absolutely no doubt about that. Nancy would want to meet up with a “brother” – and so would Jesus; and if I were to meet as being a female, both Jesus and Nancy would love to greet me as their “sister;” and all three of us would go prancing along, hand in hand, singing with the wind.
What a friend we have in Jesus – both Nancy and me! If Jesus had come to our house when my wife, Nancy, and I lived here, we would have invited Jesus in as a friend and not a lord. I am almost sure Jesus would have wanted it that way. I can’t imagine otherwise; but that is because I believe he taught that we are all “children of God,” implying at least, that we are all equal.
In about 3 weeks – July 11th at 11 A.M., we are going to celebrate the life of my Dear Wife, Nancy, at the Trinity Lutheran Church here in Laramie, Wyoming, who passed into her next adventure as a “Sister Nancy” on Nov. 1, 2023. My plan is not to consider my Dear Nancy as my former wife, but rather as my “current sister.” Nancy and I were married and loved each other as husband and wife, but far more as brother and sister. Legally, we were husband and wife, but practically and spiritually, we were brother and sister; and because we saw ourselves as equal, that is the way it should have gone too – as our “Brother Jesus” would have wanted it too.
Sadly, at least partly because of how so many of us were taught when we were kids, Jesus lived to be “Our Lord” when, in truth, I think, Jesus lived to be “Our Brother.” Think about it. If you were to meet Jesus, would you want him to be “your lord” or “your brother”? If you are open minded like my “sister,” Nancy, and I were – and are – you would want to meet a “brother” because you would want to meet an “equal;” but if you are not into that “equal stuff,” I guess you could want to see and be with a “lord.” To each, his or her own, but Nancy will always be “My Sister” and Jesus will always be “My Brother”.
For what it’s worth, I highly recommend the thought – as I think two books I have loved in life would too – The Gospels of Thomas and Mary Magdalene. I have been really blessed in life to have been exposed to both of those gospels – practically banned in the 4th Century by some who wanted a “Lord Jesus” and not a “Brother Jesus.”
With Sister Nancy’s encouragement, I have gone through the trouble of combining both books into one book I have called JESUS – ACCORDING TO THOMAS & MARY – AND ME. You can order a copy via one of my websites – una-bella-vita.com or francisbessler.com – or you can ask for a copy and I could mail you a copy or we could meet if you live in Laramie, Wyoming and I can give you a copy – if I have one on hand; and if I don’t have one on hand, I can promise you one once I do. OK? Consider it a gift from “Brother Francis & Sister Nancy”! Feel welcome to reach me via my email site – willieb@wyoming.com.
Peace be to us All!