It's Still In A Song!
Sunday, February 4, 2024
Hello, Everyone!
It's a bit early, but HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!
I am missing my Dear Nancy, but I am sureshe would appreciate
my adding an Extra page to my Video section of my website. So, Nancy, since your passing,
I have been working to do just that –
add a page I think you would have liked.
You were a piano player and teacher in yourlife.
So, that plays to your liking song.
It just so happens that I did an original songseries in the year
we came together – 2012. Thus, I am working to create
a new video page that features mainly a series Idid in 2012
Nancy & I were not together when I began it inFebruary,
but we were together by the time I finished it inApril.
As a matter of fact, Dear Nancy, you joinedme by the final volume –
Volume 5. And after we joined together for that,
we did a program for the local seniors center –Eppson Senior Center –
that I had taped by a friend, Lynn Hamblin,
SONGS OF A SOLITARY SOUL is a five volume series
that features me singing most of the songs I hadwritten
by the year of 2012 – about 150.
I did it not so much to entertain anyone,
but simply to provide my songs for others to use ifthey want.
Who knows about anyone wanting to sing one’s songs,
but I figure that if you think someone might wantto feature a song,
it is best to sing it out and let them decide
if they care to feature one in a program of theirown.
I did most of the songs a cappella –
or alone without musical accompaniment,
but I did do a few of them with piano accompaniment
by a friend & neighbor, Chris, and
guitar accompaniment by her husband, Rich.
It is my intention to produce two more volumes featuringsongs
I have written since completing SONGS OF ASOLITARY SOUL
in 2012. I planto do a volume 6 and 7
featuring about 34 songs I have written since 2012 –
and Chris and Rich have offered to help me out onsome of them,
but I suppose, I will do some of them withoutaccompaniment too;
and if there are some besides Chris and Rich
who might want to sing along or play along, justlet me know.
Nancy had a piano in our home. So, if you want, you can come
and play that while I sing a song or two. Alright?
I wrote one of the songs to be included in volume 6
on this date in 2013. Because of the timing, I will include itbelow.
I wrote it at a local Burger King looking out awindow at a few trees.
Perhaps you will enjoy it, but consider it a sample
of what you will hear on SONGS OF A SOLITARYSOUL
if you care to listen to it.
I consider myself to be a “Divine NaturistChristian” –
my own label for one who believes that all ofNature must be Divine
because An Infinite God must be IN it,
not “outside” of it as so much traditional religionbelieves.
Thus, my songs express my belief – for what it’sworth.
Anyway, Dear Nancy, because you passed on,
I am passing on my songs via that series I called
SONGS OF A SOLITARY SOUL. You cansing them
with other angels if you like wherever you are. OK?
And my fellow angels here on Earth can sing themhere if they like.
I guess that will do it. HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!
I will leave you with the front end of my new videopage
and that song I mentioned I wrote 11 years ago.
It will be one of 34 or so I plan on adding to
SONGS OF A SOLITARY SOUL series when I finish it.
I do hope to get going on that project soon.
So, if you like, expect it by mid year or soonthereafter. OK?
And know you are welcome to join me for song andcommentary
in SONGS OF A SOLITARY SOUL and Nancy &I together
in AN ADVENTURE IN SONG. We are not great.
We do not try to be. We only intend on having fun with life.
Join us if you like.
All My Love,
Francis William Bessler
What is a DivineNaturist Christian?
As noted on the previousmain page,
it is one who believes thatan Infinite God must exist
and must exist everywhere,
making everywhere Heaven
if Heaven is defined as
being in the Presence ofGod.
is simplythat All are Divine
because Allare part of Nature
that isDivine
because AnInfinite God must be IN it.
The author of the notion – Francis WilliamBessler –
believes that Jesus alsobelieved such,
as demonstrated considerablyin at least two gospels
banned in the 4thCentury–
For those interested inreviewing these gospels,
please see the main page
and check out the bookcalled
Also, the author compiled a3 volume video series
on these gospels in 2002.
You can see those videos
on the main page Videosection.
What is a Solitary SoulChristian?
It is simply one whobelieves
that every individualcreation or creature
is wholy filled with God –
thereby making allindividuals
complete unto themselves.
Each is “solitarily” or “individually”Holy
because an Infinite Godmust be IN us.
We cannot be separated fromGod
as much traditionalreligion believes
because an InfinitePresence God
must be Present in All.
I expect my new Extra page
of the Video section of my website
to be ready by the 1stof March,
but it may be ready by Valentine’sDay.
Whenever it is ready, Welcome toit! OK?
Francis William Bessler
Laramie, Wyoming
2/4/2013; finished 2/8/2013
My two trees - are standing there;
and as they stand, they are so fair.
One's like the other.
Twins they seem to be.
I'm in love with my two trees.
My two trees do not belong to me.
They belong to a local Burger King;
(or – They belong to a neighbor’sproperty;)
but as I see them through a plainwindow,
I see the story of my body and soul.
I think my body should look at mysoul
as my soul should look at my bodyto know.
Body and soul should be partners inlife
so the person that is can find Paradise.
My two trees - in winter - lack leaves,
but so very soon, there will comeSpring.
Then they will flower and turn togreen
and be as beautiful as I've ever seen.
It's that way, too, I think, withmy soul.
One Fall, I will leave this body Iknow.
But just like the tree, my soul willgo on,
to know another person and seasonto love.
My two trees are just like me,
reaching for light and being free.
We do not pine about what others are;
for we know we are as gracious byfar.
We're all the same in life's blessedness.
To know this is to live without stress.
So, why not join my two trees andme
and acclaim life, love, and liberty?
Refrain (twice).