Friday, July 24, 2020
TIME TO PAUSE - almost there!
Hi, Folks!
I guess I would call my type of song more a "folk song"
than anything else. So, I tend to think of all of us as
"folks." So, Hello, Fellow Folks!
In the '80s, I was lucky enough to assemble some
"common folks" that I called
That's because I was living in Georgia at the time,
even though I moved to Wyoming in early 2002
to be closer to my Mom, who was 94 and living
out the last of her years in my home town of Powell.
Mom passed from old age mostly in May of 2004
at the ripe old age of 96.
Anyway, back in Georgia in the '80s,
contrived an original commentary and song
audio cassette album called
After moving to Wyoming, I have recorded a lot of
VHS based programs upon which I have dubbed
And now, I have created a final VHS based program
called TIME TO PAUSE - and you guessed it -
MASTER OF YOUR OWN FATE has been dubbed onto it too -
or at least part of my 4 volume MASTER OF YOUR OWN FATE
audio album.
So, consider it a finale for
When I (we) did this thing back in the 80s,
I had no idea I would not promote it for what it was,
though I must admit I did try and found no interest.
Thus, I decided that maybe I should share it by
dubbing it onto VHS based programs -
which I have subsequently converted to DVD format.
After finishing printing - or publishing - 10 books
since 2014, most of which were written long ago,
late last year I decided that maybe I ought
to make some of those video programs I have done
available too. Partly because of this "darn pandemic,"
I have had lots of time this year to pursue that effort.
It just so happened that the online book publishing company
I used to print 10 books, CREATE SPACE, was aligned
with a DVD recording outfit called MEDIA ON DEMAND
that produces a copy of a master only "upon demand."
Lucky me! I have been using MEDIA ON DEMAND
to share my video works via DVD format.
Up to May, I had completed 7 DVD albums -
and have been working on a final 3 since then -
the last of which is one called TIME TO PAUSE.
After that - No More! I think 10 books and 10 DVD albums
is enough. Don't you?
I did not have a name for my final program, however,
and then I was hacked big time.
The result of that was I Iost over 23,000 of my files
due to hackers corrupting them.
Included in that corruption was over 90 % of my picture files,
but for some reason, about 10 % were not corrupted beyond use.
I said to myself - Ouch! - but then upon trying to look
at the few pictures the hackers left me,
I found the ones left to be in considerable disarray - or
out of order. That put upon me an idea for my final program.
Why not present a video program of pictures in disarray
for some lesson it might tell?
That is why I came up with the name - TIME TO PAUSE -
as a title for my final program. Because of the pandemic,
life has been left in considerable disarray,
but why not use that theme in a way as some kind of
telling feature in my last program? We need to take time
to pause and consider the real meaning of life -
and use the horrible tragedy of a pandemic to tell the story.
Thus, that is what I have been doing.
I recorded the pictures I had been left in the order
in which my hackers left them -
and then dubbed the first volume of
MASTER OF YOUR OWN FATE onto that product.
I had intended on doing a pictorial anyway,
but my odd circumstance of having most of my
pictures corrupted left me with a new scenario,
so to speak.
Let's just say the result is interesting -
if not educational. For me, it is educational
as well as interesting because it throws together
pictures of life in an inconsistent manner.
As I see it, my life is very orderly,
but there is a significant part of it that reflects
disorder - and disarray - too. So by looking at
TIME TO PAUSE, I am indeed reminded
of the truths I behold - and know that disarray
is part of life and should be embraced as well as
order should be embraced.
Perhaps, TIME TO PAUSE tells it like it is for me,
including lots of nudity. That is a huge part
my life too. So to do a pictorial by excluding
nudity is for me trying to take a shower with
clothes on. I never shower with clothes on.
So, why should I go about the rest of life
with clothes on, acting like the shower is
somehow "different" than the rest of life?
So, there it is. TIME TO PAUSE is ready for
my adding it to my list of MEDIA ON DEMAND dvd albums
although currently I am having trouble signing on to
MEDIA ON DEMAND because of some unknown password
problem. I will have to work that one out before I can
get on with it, so to speak.
There are two more final programs I am working on, too,
but those are assemblies from past VHS based programs.
TIME TO PAUSE is not a past program, video wise,
but a present program in terms of I just made it.
I will let you know when it is all done.
You may want to order a copy of TIME TO PAUSE
for the sake of curiosity - if for no other reason.
You, Curious Ones, you, you may like it -
and you may not - but we "Natural Virtue Players of Georgia"
are happy we can say something about the wonder
and graciousness of life. All my works reflect on that theme.
We hear too much about how sad life is and
how much it needs to be "redeemed" to be useful.
I try in all my works to say LIFE IS DIVINE because
an Infinite God must be IN it - not outside of it as we have
been led to believe. To look at life like it "needs to be redeemed"
is to not look at life at all as far as I am concerned.
Why does it "need redeemed" when it must be OF GOD?
Does God need "redeemed." Not my God!
If Life is OF GOD like so many believe,
why should anything "made by God" need redeemed?
It is absolutely crazy in my opinion that we have
believed such nonsense, but we can change.
The question is: DO WE WANT TO?
Bye for Now!
Learn your own lessons from the pandemic
as I have been trying to do. OK?
Thanks so much for listening!
Be in touch!
Common folks,
Francis William Bessler -
and supportive wife, Nancy Shaw